Access levels and what you can view
Public user – not logged in
The public user level is the most basic of all our levels of access. This gives you access to:
- Finds that have been validated and published by the MAS team
- Low level mapping
- no dots on maps
- findspot to 2 decimal places in WGS84 latitude/longitude decimal degrees and slight obfuscation of findspot by randomised subtraction/addition of 10ths of a degree to the degraded findspot
- limited zoom level.
- No access to personal data
RoW/NRHE/NMRW/HER – logged in
- Finds awaiting validation (denoted by the yellow flag)
- Finds that have been validated and published by the MAS team (denoted by green flag)
- Cannot view finds that are still in progress (quarantine/review)
- They can get full mapping capabilities for these objects.
- High level mapping
- findspot plotted with a dot on the map
- full precision for findspot
- Flickr shapefile outline for parishes
- Access to Scheduled Ancient Monument proximity search
- Full zoom capabilities
- No access to personal data
- Enhanced spreadsheet download
- Special download of csv for import into exeGesis HBSMR