MAS-100016: MAS-100016; Essex; Unidentified Object; Image 1 of 9

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Unique ID: MAS-100016

Object type certainty: Certain
Workflow status: Published Find published

This assemblage of metal objects includes an iron handle possibly inscribed with letters; a lead sailmakers palm guard; a bronze scribe; a small gun powder measure; a cup; and what are possibly a musket ball and a rivet; along with several other metal objects of unknown function. All the items appear to be post medieval in date. It is thought that these finds are either being washed into the area from another location or are being exposed by erosion, as each visit to the location reveals more objects.

Subsequent actions

Current location of find: With finder
Subsequent action after recording: Submitted as wreck to the Receiver of Wreck

Wreck details

Droit number: 038/17


Broad period: POST MEDIEVAL
Period from: POST MEDIEVAL
Period to: MODERN

Dimensions and weight

Quantity: 17

Discovery dates

Date(s) of discovery: Sunday 16th October 2016

Personal details

Found by: This information is restricted for your login.
Recorded by: M F
Identified by: L M
Secondary identifier: V L

Other reference numbers

Droit ID: 038/17

Materials and construction

Completeness: Uncertain

Spatial metadata

County or Unitary authority: Essex (County)

Spatial coordinates

4 Figure: TQ8182
Four figure Latitude: 51.50793861
Four figure longitude: 0.60677648
1:25K map: TQ8182
1:10K map: TQ88SW
Display four figure position on What3Words
Unmasked grid reference accurate to a 1 metre square.

Discovery metadata

Method of discovery: Coastal walking
Discovery circumstances: Coastal walking
Current location: With finder
General landuse: Coastland
Specific landuse: Inter-tidal

References cited

No references cited so far.

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Audit data

Recording Institution: MAS
Created: Monday 17th October 2016
Updated: Tuesday 15th August 2017

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