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  • Thumbnail image of MAS-D100231

Record ID: MAS-D100231
Object type: BOTTLE
Broad period: POST MEDIEVAL
County: Kent
Workflow stage: Published Find published
Brown ceramic bottle with a glazed surface. It was intended to contain gin of Dutch origin. The bottle measures 310 mm long and has a diameter of 85 mm with a ring type handle on the neck of the bottle. The bottle is printed with the phrase 'WYNAND FOCKINK' 'AMSTERDAM'. In Amsterdam, Wynand Focknik has been making distinctive hand-crafted liqueurs and jenevers (Dutch gin) since 1679 (Greenberg 2012). In the 17th century, when the Dutch East Indiaman ships brought herbs, spices and sugar to Amsterdam, distillers started distilling liqueurs on a large scale. The city had become very pro…
Created on: Tuesday 2nd October 2018
Last updated: Wednesday 8th April 2020
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  • Thumbnail image of MAS-D100228

Record ID: MAS-D100228
Object type: VALVE
County: Kent
Workflow stage: Published Find published
This copper alloy valve has a spherical central body with three sperate connections. One of the connections has a 25 mm long male thread evident, whilst the remaining two are concealed by concretion. One of the connections is probably a female thread entry and the third of the connections an elbow pipe union. The diameter of the connections is approximately 30 mm. Overall dimensions are approximately 100 mm by 100 mm. The exact purpose of such a valve is not immediately apparent, though it likely relates to the vessels' operation and machinery rather than any cargo. As a coal powered …
Created on: Tuesday 25th September 2018
Last updated: Thursday 26th March 2020
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  • Thumbnail image of MAS-O100028

Record ID: MAS-O100028
Object type: BOTTLE
Broad period: POST MEDIEVAL
County: Isle of Wight
Workflow stage: Published Find published
A bottle made from dark green/black glass, bearing a protruding cork. It has a slightly concave body, flaring moderately at the base, leading to gently rounded shoulders with clear definition where they intersect with the neck. The neck itself is broadly straight, tapering slightly where it meets the finish. The finish is of either a double oil or brandy type. The bottle is reminiscent of a spirit bottle of the squat cylinder style, though vessels of this style were used to contain a variety of products beyond beers, wines and spirits. Bottles of this type were manufactured from at lea…
Created on: Saturday 25th February 2017
Last updated: Friday 21st February 2020
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