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Record ID: MAS-D100196
Object type: CLAY PIPE (SMOKING)
County: Kent
Workflow stage: Published
Five small smoking pipes that are complete, four small smoking pipes that are broken, one large smoking pipe that is complete, six large smoking pipe that are broken. The pipes are mainly derived from two different styles: the long-stemmed style and the short-stemmed. The longer-stemmed bears no decoration or cartouche, along with absence of heel. The bowl is large, owing perhaps to the fall in tobacco prices in the 19th century and would have most likely been a cheap item.
The shorter-stemmed pipes display ornate decoration on the bowl, in the form of a hatted head, and are made from…
Created on: Wednesday 4th July 2018
Last updated: Thursday 26th March 2020
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Record ID: MAS-D100194
Object type: BOWL
County: Kent
Workflow stage: Published
One complete round bowl with a diameter of 241.3 mm and one part of a broken plate, both displaying the markers mark. Both pieces of ceramics have dark coloured decorative bands running around the outside and inside rim and have fractal cracks present. The white ceramic also has brown blemishes in places, but overall is in fair condition. The symbol crest in the centre of the bowl is a shield with "H.A.P. A.G" inscribed, overlying an anchor. "H.A.P. A.G" refers to The Hamburg Amerikanische Packetfahrt Aktien Gesellschaft; a German shipping company that operated from 1847 until 1970. It…
Created on: Saturday 23rd June 2018
Last updated: Wednesday 19th February 2020
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Record ID: MAS-D100192
County: Kent
Workflow stage: Published
One gold T piece to believe part of a watch chain. These pieces were used to fasten the watch chain to an item of clothing, most often a wasitcoat. The T piece has a rounded embossing in the centre of the strip, with a small ring attached at this point for attaching the piece to a chain. The right end of the piece has a single ringed pattern shortly before terminating in a straight clean end. The left side of the piece has steps from the thicker piece to a thinner section extruding out a short distance. Given the date of sinking of the vessel from which it was recovered this item can r…
Created on: Thursday 21st June 2018
Last updated: Thursday 26th March 2020
Spatial data recorded.
Record ID: MAS-D100193
Object type: ENGINE
County: East Sussex
Workflow stage: Published
Unidentified non-ferrous object that probably represents part of a ships engine or fixtures and fittings. It appears constructed from a copper alloy, measuring approximately 114 mm by 102 mm, being 52 mm in thickness. The open face of the item exhibits a circular central lug or axle measuring c. 38 mm in diameter, which extends c. 25 mm from the solid rear face. The open face bears a circular aperture, comprising approximately 270 degrees, which flairs out towards the outer edges of the object meeting the top left hand corner on the left side and meeting the edge on the right hand side…
Created on: Thursday 21st June 2018
Last updated: Thursday 26th March 2020
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Record ID: MAS-D100206
Object type: BOTTLES
County: Kent
Workflow stage: Published
This find comprises of four stoneware bottles with the inscription "A PHILLIPS VICTORIA VI" and one stoneware ink bottle inscribed "BLACKWOODS" bearing a pouring lip. All vessels are constructed in a cream stoneware ceramic with a clear glaze.
The four A PHILLIPS bottles are approximately 220 mm in overall height (150 mm from heel to sharply angled shoulder), with an exterior diameter of 80 mm in the body and 30 mm at the finish. The finish is of a type known as an applied finish, from glass bottle construction where an additional strip of glass is applied around the rim of the bottle…
Created on: Wednesday 29th August 2018
Last updated: Thursday 26th March 2020
Spatial data recorded.
Record ID: MAS-D100198
Object type: CUP
County: Kent
Workflow stage: Published
Find consists of a fragment of a porcelain cup, representing about 1/4 - 1/3 of the total vessel including a complete base bearing a backstamp of BRYONIA U & C. Though only partially surviving, what remains is in fair condition with evidence of slight encrustation around the base. No scale was provided, however, other examples of this pattern and manufacturer have a diameter of c. 75 mm. The U & C inscription refers to Utzschneider & Co, a company based originally in Sarreguemines, North East France. This region was previously part of Alsace-Lorraine and therefore the manuf…
Created on: Wednesday 4th July 2018
Last updated: Thursday 26th March 2020
Spatial data recorded.
Record ID: MAS-D100199
Object type: BOTTLE
Workflow stage: Published
This find is a small medicine style bottle in green glass. No scale was provided but these vessels are usually 160 - 190 mm in overall height. The vessel is flat bottomed with a rectangular shape in plan, with the short sides being rounded. it has a short but wide neck ending in a bead type finish, common to medicine bottles. Embossed on the shoulders of the vessel is the word KEPLER, which refers to the product which it contained. The base is embossed with SNOW HILL, B. W. & Co, LONDON, which refers to the manufacturer and their factory in London. The condition of the vessel is go…
Created on: Wednesday 4th July 2018
Last updated: Wednesday 19th February 2020
No spatial data available.
Record ID: MAS-D100233
County: Kent
Workflow stage: Published
This find appears to be some form of decorative finial manufactured from a non-ferrous metal, possibly a copper alloy. It measures approximately 356 mm in length, 102 mm in width at the base and 127 mm in width at the widest point just below the top of the object. The base appears to be damaged, though clearly separates into three possible legs or feet. Approximately 76 mm from the base it seems to narrow slightly, possibly due to bearing a ring decoration, though this is difficult to ascertain due to the level of encrustation on the object. The shaft of the item extends for a further …
Created on: Wednesday 10th October 2018
Last updated: Thursday 26th March 2020
Spatial data recorded.
Record ID: MAS-D100230
Object type: BOTTLE
County: Kent
Workflow stage: Published
Three bottles of blown glass. The frst two bottles are torpedo or HamiltonĀ“s type bottle (Hamilton introduced this type of blow molding) from the mid-nineteenth century dedicated to containing carbonated water or 'soda'. Both are light blue/green 'aqua' glass and measure 250 mm long and have a diameter of 75 mm with a 'bottom-weighted' blob finish. The inscription "Aerated Water" "Bombay" makes reference to the content and place of distribution, something that manufacturers of this type of packaging commonly did. The design ensured that the bottles would be stored on their side, keepi…
Created on: Tuesday 2nd October 2018
Last updated: Wednesday 1st April 2020
Spatial data recorded.
Record ID: MAS-D100227
Object type: BOTTLE
County: Kent
Workflow stage: Published
Bordeaux style bottle manufactured in clear aquamarine coloured glass, though weathering has caused the colours to distort and becom pearlescent towards the base of the vessel. It has a wide and straight neck and is finished in the applied ring or champagne style. The body is cylindrical, with low profile rounded shoulders. The height of the bottle is approximately 230 mm, the diameter of the body 60 mm and the neck 30 mm. Though this bottle is smaller than the more common 300 mm tall, 750 ml wine bottles it is most likely a wine bottle. It's clear colour suggests a dessert or sweet wi…
Created on: Tuesday 25th September 2018
Last updated: Thursday 26th March 2020
Spatial data recorded.
Record ID: MAS-D100232
Object type: INK BOTTLE
County: Kent
Workflow stage: Published
Four small stoneware cylindrical ceramic inkwells. The ceramic is made of a light brown paste with a salt-glazed surface. The dimensions are 45 mm in diameter by 50 mm high. This type of inkwell was commonly known as a "penny ink" bottle. They were corked, sealed with sealing wax and cost a penny each. They contained writing ink.
This type of ink bottle was introduced in the mid-19th century and were superseded by glass bottles by the first decade of the 20th century. Small ink bottles or wells were usually no more than four inches high and did not have a pouring spout like the maste…
Created on: Tuesday 2nd October 2018
Last updated: Thursday 26th March 2020
Spatial data recorded.
Record ID: MAS-D100229
Object type: BOWL
County: Kent
Workflow stage: Published
Four pieces of hand-decorated tableware. There are two bowls of 75 mm diameter and 55 mm high. The other two pieces are two pearly white plates with 122 mm diameter. They probably belong to the cargo or tableware of the wreck SS Strathclyde that sank in 1876 thereofre can be dated to the end of the 19th century. Any stamps or markings on the base of the tableware would give more inidcation as to the location and date of manufacture.
Created on: Tuesday 2nd October 2018
Last updated: Thursday 26th March 2020
Spatial data recorded.
Record ID: MAS-1F5444
Object type: BEAD
Broad period: POST MEDIEVAL
County: Kent
Workflow stage: Published
Twenty-six long drawn beads with a single cylindrical central perforation extending along the length of the bead. Varying in size, the beads measure approximately 25 mm in length and 8 mm in diameter, and some signs of wear are visible. The beads all have an opaque white core, cased in opaque red, cased in opaque white and finally cased in translucent blue on the exterior. The inner layers form a star pattern. The diameter cross-section is roughly cylindrical in the centre, whilst at the upper and lower ends the cross-section changes to become faceted in an octagonal shape, allowing th…
Created on: Wednesday 3rd August 2016
Last updated: Friday 30th September 2016
Spatial data recorded.
Record ID: MAS-100004
Object type: CLAY PIPE (SMOKING)
Broad period: POST MEDIEVAL
County: Kent
Workflow stage: Published
All three white pipes here are complete, and are of the short or 'cutty' form. Two carry relief moulded decoration featuring Masonic emblems (incorporating the crossed compass and square), while the third is in the form of a male head, wearing a thin-brimmed cap, possibly a military figure. Pipes with Masonic emblems were made from the mid-18th century in the UK, but remained popular into the early 20th century, while the male head falls into a group of more elaborate decorative pipes with bowls moulded in the form of human heads and animals, common in the late 19th and early 20th cent…
Created on: Thursday 28th July 2016
Last updated: Tuesday 29th January 2019
Spatial data recorded.
Record ID: MAS-100018
Object type: COSTREL
Broad period: POST MEDIEVAL
Workflow stage: Published
A salt-glazed stoneware barrel costrel, almost certainly German and probably dating to the 17th century. Recovered in 1966 during a dive at a depth of approximately 50-60 ft, and found in association with two lots of cannon, cannonballs and lead sheeting.
Created on: Friday 21st October 2016
Last updated: Wednesday 23rd May 2018
No spatial data available.
Record ID: MAS-D100032
Broad period: POST MEDIEVAL
Workflow stage: Published
A wooden belaying pin, approximately 0.4 m in length.
Belaying pins are either solid metal or wooden objects used on sailing ships to secure the running rigging. They are still seen today on traditional square rigged ships and replica vessels. More modern sailing vessels have tended to replace them with fixed cleats. Their design has little changed, comprising a rounded handle and cylindrical shaft of varying length and thickness, dependant on the workload placed on it. The shaft would fit into holes in pinrails, which lined the inside of the bulwarks around the base of the ship's mas…
Created on: Tuesday 14th March 2017
Last updated: Tuesday 26th September 2017
No spatial data available.
Record ID: MAS-D100036
Object type: SAUCER
Broad period: POST MEDIEVAL
Workflow stage: Published
Pewter bowl measuring 15 inches in diameter by 2 1/2 inches in depth.
This find is a pewter dish or saucer (the term 'saucer' is used here to describe vessels used to contain sauces, in order to disguise or enhance the taste of food), probably dating somewhere between the 16th and 18th centuries - there are very similar examples, for instance, in 16th century contexts from Nonsuch Palace in Surrey (Rosemary Weinstein, 'Pewter vessels', in Biddle 2005). That doesn't mean that this vessel is a high-status object - saucers and dishes were among the most commonly made pewter items, and wo…
Created on: Tuesday 25th April 2017
Last updated: Tuesday 26th September 2017
No spatial data available.
Record ID: MAS-D100038
Object type: BOTTLE
Broad period: POST MEDIEVAL
County: Kent
Workflow stage: Published
Four glass bottles that are all square, mould-blown 'case bottles', with a typical tapering profile. The square shape enabled them to be packed more efficiently in a case than round bottles, and the tapering profile stopped them from sticking when removed from the case. These were used for gin (although undoubtedly also sometimes for other spirits or wine). Square case bottles were made in Europe from the middle of the 17th century, but the tapering form seems to have become more common in the 19th century. From the 1880s the bottles were machine made, and the rims properly finished - …
Created on: Sunday 21st May 2017
Last updated: Tuesday 26th September 2017
Spatial data recorded.
Record ID: MAS-D100040
Object type: BOTTLE
Broad period: POST MEDIEVAL
Workflow stage: Published
One onion bottle dated to c.1700.
Glass onion bottles were large hand-blown glass bottles, used aboard sailing ships to hold wine or brandy. For increased stability on rough seas, the bottles were fashioned with a wide-bottom shape to prevent toppling. Between c.1690 and c.1720 the outline of a wine bottle resembled an onion - a wide compressed globular body and a short neck (Robinson and Harding 2015). Most bottles before 1700 had a ring of glass just below the neck that gave anchorage to the string used to hold in variety of stoppers. The Dutch bottles usually had a longer neck than…
Created on: Tuesday 23rd May 2017
Last updated: Wednesday 4th October 2017
No spatial data available.
Record ID: MAS-O100053
Object type: BOTTLE
Broad period: POST MEDIEVAL
County: Kent
Workflow stage: Published
One gin bottle measuring 11 inches high by 3 1/2 inches wide. This square, mould-blown 'case bottle', has the typical tapering profile. The square shape enabled the bottles to be packed more efficiently in a case than round bottles, and the tapering profile stops them from sticking when removed from the case. They were used for gin (although undoubtedly also sometimes for other spirits or wine). Square case bottles were made in Europe from the middle of the 17th century, but the tapering form seems to have become more common in the 19th century. From the 1880s the bottles were machine …
Created on: Monday 29th May 2017
Last updated: Monday 19th March 2018
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