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  • Thumbnail image of MAS-1F5444

Record ID: MAS-1F5444
Object type: BEAD
Broad period: POST MEDIEVAL
County: Kent
Workflow stage: Published Find published
Twenty-six long drawn beads with a single cylindrical central perforation extending along the length of the bead. Varying in size, the beads measure approximately 25 mm in length and 8 mm in diameter, and some signs of wear are visible. The beads all have an opaque white core, cased in opaque red, cased in opaque white and finally cased in translucent blue on the exterior. The inner layers form a star pattern. The diameter cross-section is roughly cylindrical in the centre, whilst at the upper and lower ends the cross-section changes to become faceted in an octagonal shape, allowing th…
Created on: Wednesday 3rd August 2016
Last updated: Friday 30th September 2016
Spatial data recorded.

  • Thumbnail image of MAS-100004

Record ID: MAS-100004
Object type: CLAY PIPE (SMOKING)
Broad period: POST MEDIEVAL
County: Kent
Workflow stage: Published Find published
All three white pipes here are complete, and are of the short or 'cutty' form. Two carry relief moulded decoration featuring Masonic emblems (incorporating the crossed compass and square), while the third is in the form of a male head, wearing a thin-brimmed cap, possibly a military figure. Pipes with Masonic emblems were made from the mid-18th century in the UK, but remained popular into the early 20th century, while the male head falls into a group of more elaborate decorative pipes with bowls moulded in the form of human heads and animals, common in the late 19th and early 20th cent…
Created on: Thursday 28th July 2016
Last updated: Tuesday 29th January 2019
Spatial data recorded.

  • Thumbnail image of MAS-100011

Record ID: MAS-100011
Object type: CLAY PIPE (SMOKING)
County: Cornwall
Workflow stage: Published Find published
This is a very worn example of a 'cutty' (short) pipe (total length 115 mm) with a round-based spurless bowl imitating a briar pipe, and decorated with multiple 'thorns' - small pointed protrusions around the stem and bowl. This type of bowl was in use between c. 1850 and 1910 (Atkinson and Oswald 1969: type 30), and the thorn design was one of the many decorative types popular during this period (e.g. Ayto 1994:11; Hammond 2009: figure 7). Clay tobacco pipes were manufactured (using two-piece moulds) in huge quantities in many towns and cities around the UK and were also imported fro…
Created on: Wednesday 28th September 2016
Last updated: Wednesday 12th October 2016
Spatial data recorded.

  • Thumbnail image of MAS-100018

Record ID: MAS-100018
Object type: COSTREL
Broad period: POST MEDIEVAL
Workflow stage: Published Find published
A salt-glazed stoneware barrel costrel, almost certainly German and probably dating to the 17th century. Recovered in 1966 during a dive at a depth of approximately 50-60 ft, and found in association with two lots of cannon, cannonballs and lead sheeting.
Created on: Friday 21st October 2016
Last updated: Wednesday 23rd May 2018
No spatial data available.

  • Thumbnail image of MAS-D100029

Record ID: MAS-D100029
Object type: AMPULLA
Broad period: MEDIEVAL
County: County Durham
Workflow stage: Published Find published
An incomplete, flask shaped ampulla made of lead dating to the late Medieval period, around AD 1350 to 1500. These objects are believed to have been used to transport holy liquid from pilgrim sites. The ampulla, found in the River Wear, has a rounded body that extends upwards into the neck and diverges outwards towards the top. One handle on the side of the neck is intact and the remains of a second handle is visible on the other side of the neck. The obverse side of the ampulla is rounded and there are no visible decorations remaining. A relief decoration of a small equal-armed cross …
Created on: Tuesday 28th February 2017
Last updated: Wednesday 23rd May 2018
Spatial data recorded.

  • Thumbnail image of MAS-D100032

Record ID: MAS-D100032
Broad period: POST MEDIEVAL
Workflow stage: Published Find published
A wooden belaying pin, approximately 0.4 m in length. Belaying pins are either solid metal or wooden objects used on sailing ships to secure the running rigging. They are still seen today on traditional square rigged ships and replica vessels. More modern sailing vessels have tended to replace them with fixed cleats. Their design has little changed, comprising a rounded handle and cylindrical shaft of varying length and thickness, dependant on the workload placed on it. The shaft would fit into holes in pinrails, which lined the inside of the bulwarks around the base of the ship's mas…
Created on: Tuesday 14th March 2017
Last updated: Tuesday 26th September 2017
No spatial data available.

  • Thumbnail image of MAS-D100035

Record ID: MAS-D100035
Object type: JAR
Broad period: MEDIEVAL
Workflow stage: Published Find published
Part of a large clay storage jar. Due to the size of the fragment and the degree of marine growth on this item it has been tentatively identified as an olive jar, probably Spanish in origin, and dating anywhere between the medieval to post-medieval period (13th/14th to 18th century), most likely from the latter end of this date range (16th - 18th century).
Created on: Friday 7th April 2017
Last updated: Tuesday 26th September 2017
No spatial data available.

  • Thumbnail image of MAS-D100036

Record ID: MAS-D100036
Object type: SAUCER
Broad period: POST MEDIEVAL
Workflow stage: Published Find published
Pewter bowl measuring 15 inches in diameter by 2 1/2 inches in depth. This find is a pewter dish or saucer (the term 'saucer' is used here to describe vessels used to contain sauces, in order to disguise or enhance the taste of food), probably dating somewhere between the 16th and 18th centuries - there are very similar examples, for instance, in 16th century contexts from Nonsuch Palace in Surrey (Rosemary Weinstein, 'Pewter vessels', in Biddle 2005). That doesn't mean that this vessel is a high-status object - saucers and dishes were among the most commonly made pewter items, and wo…
Created on: Tuesday 25th April 2017
Last updated: Tuesday 26th September 2017
No spatial data available.

  • Thumbnail image of MAS-D100039

Record ID: MAS-D100039
Object type: CANDLESTICK
County: Kent
Workflow stage: Published Find published
Two mass produced glass candlesticks; one blue and one green that is badly damaged presumably having spent at least a century underwater. No further information is known about them at this time.
Created on: Monday 22nd May 2017
Last updated: Tuesday 26th September 2017
Spatial data recorded.

  • Thumbnail image of MAS-O100041

Record ID: MAS-O100041
Object type: CANDLESTICK
County: Kent
Workflow stage: Published Find published
One green glass candlestick measuring 5.5 inches high and 3.5 inches wide. This candlestick is thought to date to the 19th century.
Created on: Monday 29th May 2017
Last updated: Tuesday 26th September 2017
Spatial data recorded.

1 - 10 of 80 records.

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