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    • Primary material: Steel
    • Show this many records per page: 20
    • Institution: MAS

  • Thumbnail image of MAS-D100175

Record ID: MAS-D100175
Object type: SHIP FITTINGS
County: Kent
Workflow stage: Published Find published
Two brass deck water filler plates and one ceramic door number (45). The water filler plates are 150 mm in diameter and approximately 100 mm thick. They are both heavily degraded and concreted, distorting their 'mushroom-shaped' original form. It appears they have screws running through the wider top surface and hanging down below next to the tinner plug interior. The screws are approximately 50 mm long and 5 mm in diameter. This type of ships fiitting is used to provide an access point by which to fill water tanks on a vessel and are common on many vessels, from pleasure craft to com…
Created on: Wednesday 9th May 2018
Last updated: Thursday 26th March 2020
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  • Thumbnail image of MAS-F100172

Record ID: MAS-F100172
Broad period: MODERN
Workflow stage: Published Find published
Rolls Royce Merlin 45 gear unit, serial number GU 69 677, with a truncated, heavily damaged and corroded, three bladed propeller. All three propeller blades have survived despite heavy corrosion, though the end of one is missing. The wiring in the propeller cam shaft is visible since the outer dome casing has partially disintegrated. The Merlin 45 engine was used in the Mk. V Supermarine Spitfire fighters, in Reconnaissance Spitfires (PR Mk. IG & P MK. IV), and early versions of the naval version the Supermarine Seafire Mk. IB and Mk. IIC). The Merlin 45 saw active service from ear…
Created on: Friday 27th April 2018
Last updated: Friday 27th March 2020
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  • Thumbnail image of MAS-6105BA

Record ID: MAS-6105BA
Object type: FIREARM
County: Cornwall
Workflow stage: Published Find published
This gun is a QF (quick firing) 6-pounder Hotchkiss, a light 2.25 inch (57 mm) naval and coastal defence gun from the late 19th century. The design appears to be pre-1890 as it does not have the recoil system that was introduced at that time. The original 1885 Mk I was a built-up gun with a vertical sliding-block breech. The name comes from the French manufacturing company, Hotchkiss, who were the major supplier of light QF guns in the world. This type of gun became a standard torpedo defence weapon; many navies bought this same type of gun (Friedman 2011).
Created on: Monday 25th July 2016
Last updated: Friday 26th August 2016
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