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    • Primary material: Yellow metal
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  • Thumbnail image of MAS-D100192

Record ID: MAS-D100192
County: Kent
Workflow stage: Published Find published
One gold T piece to believe part of a watch chain. These pieces were used to fasten the watch chain to an item of clothing, most often a wasitcoat. The T piece has a rounded embossing in the centre of the strip, with a small ring attached at this point for attaching the piece to a chain. The right end of the piece has a single ringed pattern shortly before terminating in a straight clean end. The left side of the piece has steps from the thicker piece to a thinner section extruding out a short distance. Given the date of sinking of the vessel from which it was recovered this item can r…
Created on: Thursday 21st June 2018
Last updated: Thursday 26th March 2020
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  • Thumbnail image of MAS-F100108

Record ID: MAS-F100108
Object type: PORTHOLE
Broad period: MODERN
County: East Sussex
Workflow stage: Published Find published
This object is the remains of a brass porthole ring measuring 250 mm across with a brass rim 28 mm wide. It is thought that this frame would have been on the outside of the hull of the vessel while an internal frame on the inside of the vessel would have contained the glass element and a hinged deadlight (a metal plate that was both a curtain and a reinforcement against heavy seas). Portholes have been used for centuries to allow light and ventilation to enter the lower, darker levels of vessels and in some early cases, as a means of seeing out of a submersible. Portholes are waterti…
Created on: Wednesday 23rd August 2017
Last updated: Tuesday 8th May 2018
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  • Thumbnail image of MAS-F100104

Record ID: MAS-F100104
Object type: SHELL CASES
Broad period: MODERN
County: East Sussex
Workflow stage: Published Find published
The shell case measures 660 mm long and is 152 mm in diameter at the base, and 116 mm in diameter at the neck though this has been buckled and stretched. The shell case appears to have been either constructed without a base, or it has been removed at some point in the past. The diameter of the neck and its overall size point to it being a 4.5-inch or possibly a 4.7-inch shell case. Without the base with the details of type, manufacturer and date of manufacture, the history and origin of this case is not clear. It would have been part of a fixed round, i.e. the shell was attached to the…
Created on: Wednesday 23rd August 2017
Last updated: Tuesday 8th May 2018
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