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    • Period from: MEDIEVAL
    • Institution: MAS
    • Workflow: Record published
    • Show this many records per page: 100
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  • Thumbnail image of MAS-D100035

Record ID: MAS-D100035
Object type: JAR
Broad period: MEDIEVAL
Workflow stage: Published Find published
Part of a large clay storage jar. Due to the size of the fragment and the degree of marine growth on this item it has been tentatively identified as an olive jar, probably Spanish in origin, and dating anywhere between the medieval to post-medieval period (13th/14th to 18th century), most likely from the latter end of this date range (16th - 18th century).
Created on: Friday 7th April 2017
Last updated: Tuesday 26th September 2017
No spatial data available.

  • Thumbnail image of MAS-O100031

Record ID: MAS-O100031
Object type: TIMBER
Broad period: MODERN
County: Hampshire
Workflow stage: Published Find published
Possible ships timber or part of other marine or land based structure. Truncated rounded timber with hole and evidence of mounting plate for furniture, broken or rotted off at one end exposing heart wood and a knot in the wood. Approximately 2000 mm long and 600 mm in diameter. The undamaged half of the timber appears in good condition, implying a more recent date for the timber, whereas the other part appears to have suffered extensive degradation. The arrangement of damage to the timber suggests it may have been partially submerged during its useful life, possibly as part of a shore …
Created on: Thursday 9th March 2017
Last updated: Friday 21st February 2020
Spatial data recorded.

  • Thumbnail image of MAS-D100029

Record ID: MAS-D100029
Object type: AMPULLA
Broad period: MEDIEVAL
County: County Durham
Workflow stage: Published Find published
An incomplete, flask shaped ampulla made of lead dating to the late Medieval period, around AD 1350 to 1500. These objects are believed to have been used to transport holy liquid from pilgrim sites. The ampulla, found in the River Wear, has a rounded body that extends upwards into the neck and diverges outwards towards the top. One handle on the side of the neck is intact and the remains of a second handle is visible on the other side of the neck. The obverse side of the ampulla is rounded and there are no visible decorations remaining. A relief decoration of a small equal-armed cross …
Created on: Tuesday 28th February 2017
Last updated: Wednesday 23rd May 2018
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  • Thumbnail image of MAS-100017

Record ID: MAS-100017
Broad period: UNKNOWN
County: Essex
Workflow stage: Published Find published
This cattle mandible, or lower jaw, is comprised of two incomplete sections; cattle mandibles are rarely encountered in the archaeological record as conjoined pairs (Zhang et al. 2013). The smaller piece is an incomplete section featuring both pre-molars and molars. The larger piece is fairly complete, with the exception of teeth, extending all the way to the part in which the incisors and canines would be located. This front section is separated from the molar and pre-molar root holes by the diastema. Providing a relative date for this cattle mandible is challenging without further e…
Created on: Tuesday 18th October 2016
Last updated: Monday 16th January 2017
Spatial data recorded.

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