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Record ID: MAS-6105BA
Object type: FIREARM
County: Cornwall
Workflow stage: Published
This gun is a QF (quick firing) 6-pounder Hotchkiss, a light 2.25 inch (57 mm) naval and coastal defence gun from the late 19th century. The design appears to be pre-1890 as it does not have the recoil system that was introduced at that time. The original 1885 Mk I was a built-up gun with a vertical sliding-block breech. The name comes from the French manufacturing company, Hotchkiss, who were the major supplier of light QF guns in the world. This type of gun became a standard torpedo defence weapon; many navies bought this same type of gun (Friedman 2011).
Created on: Monday 25th July 2016
Last updated: Friday 26th August 2016
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Record ID: MAS-D100174
Object type: CUTLERY
County: Kent
Workflow stage: Published
This record refers to the handle of a metal spoon or fork included within this group of finds. The diagnostic end of the piece is broken and therefore is uncertain whether this is a fork or spoon, and a lack of measurements precludes determining whether this is a tea or desert size in terms of spoon , or cake or main course size of fork. The fabric of the item, though slightly coroded, has a yellowish colour which may indicate gold or gold plating has been used in its manufacture. Alternatively, given the verdigris colour of the corrosion, may have been constructed in a copper alloy or…
Created on: Wednesday 2nd May 2018
Last updated: Thursday 26th March 2020
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