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Record ID: MAS-D100233
County: Kent
Workflow stage: Published
This find appears to be some form of decorative finial manufactured from a non-ferrous metal, possibly a copper alloy. It measures approximately 356 mm in length, 102 mm in width at the base and 127 mm in width at the widest point just below the top of the object. The base appears to be damaged, though clearly separates into three possible legs or feet. Approximately 76 mm from the base it seems to narrow slightly, possibly due to bearing a ring decoration, though this is difficult to ascertain due to the level of encrustation on the object. The shaft of the item extends for a further …
Created on: Wednesday 10th October 2018
Last updated: Thursday 26th March 2020
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Record ID: MAS-D100175
Object type: SHIP FITTINGS
County: Kent
Workflow stage: Published
Two brass deck water filler plates and one ceramic door number (45).
The water filler plates are 150 mm in diameter and approximately 100 mm thick. They are both heavily degraded and concreted, distorting their 'mushroom-shaped' original form. It appears they have screws running through the wider top surface and hanging down below next to the tinner plug interior. The screws are approximately 50 mm long and 5 mm in diameter. This type of ships fiitting is used to provide an access point by which to fill water tanks on a vessel and are common on many vessels, from pleasure craft to com…
Created on: Wednesday 9th May 2018
Last updated: Thursday 26th March 2020
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Record ID: MAS-D100156
Object type: BOTTLE
Workflow stage: Published
Three salt glazed stoneware bottles. This form of bottle was a type used to carry seltzer water and gin.
Seltzer water was exported by various Continental (mainly German) spas. The term 'seltzer' takes its name from the town of Selters in the lower Rhineland, one of the original producers of effervescent mineral waters. This cylindrical bottle type was used from the early 19th century through to the First World War and were produced by the specialist potters known as Krugbacker, or pot bakers, in the Westerwald region of Germany. These bottles, which changed little throughout the 19t…
Created on: Monday 23rd October 2017
Last updated: Monday 30th March 2020
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Record ID: MAS-D100115
Object type: CARTRIDGE
County: Kent
Workflow stage: Published
Images of this find were sent to Trevor Parker of the Ordnance Society. He confirmed that these three shell cases belong to a six-pounder Hotchkiss gun. This particular type of gun was introduced in 1884 for use against torpedo boats. They were used during First World War on the Arethusa and early 'C' class cruisers and a few submarines as well as on Monitors M.15 through M.33. Originally French in origin, they were introduced to Britain in 1886 (Tucker 2013). Many were subsequently used as sub-calibre and saluting guns which meant that they were still available in 1939 (Naval Weapons,…
Created on: Friday 8th September 2017
Last updated: Thursday 5th October 2017
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