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Record ID: MAS-D100156
Object type: BOTTLE
Workflow stage: Published
Three salt glazed stoneware bottles. This form of bottle was a type used to carry seltzer water and gin.
Seltzer water was exported by various Continental (mainly German) spas. The term 'seltzer' takes its name from the town of Selters in the lower Rhineland, one of the original producers of effervescent mineral waters. This cylindrical bottle type was used from the early 19th century through to the First World War and were produced by the specialist potters known as Krugbacker, or pot bakers, in the Westerwald region of Germany. These bottles, which changed little throughout the 19t…
Created on: Monday 23rd October 2017
Last updated: Monday 30th March 2020
No spatial data available.
Record ID: MAS-D100134
Object type: HANDLE
Broad period: POST MEDIEVAL
Workflow stage: Published
The stem of a silver fork or spoon with a hallmark pattern.
The set of four hallmarks located together on the piece of cutlery indicates it was made later than 1781, when this practice was first introduced. Based on this image, this type of spoon/fork is possibly a Fiddle pattern - this refers to the shape of the handle - and is a type introduced in the 1780s and still in production today. The Fiddle pattern means that there are shoulders on the stem near the bowl, which is seen on this example. The lower end of the stem juts out around 90 degrees but this example may have been worn d…
Created on: Monday 23rd October 2017
Last updated: Monday 30th March 2020
No spatial data available.
Record ID: MAS-D100063
Object type: BOTTLE
County: Kent
Workflow stage: Published
Five olive green case gin bottles with a square tapered body and four dots on base.
Some of the earliest spirit bottles were square in cross section and generally designed to contain gin, though undoubtedly contained various types of alcohol and possibly wine. Commonly called "case gin" or "taper gin" bottles since they would pack more efficiently to a case (six to 24 bottles) than round bottles. Case gin bottles are square with a more or less distinct taper inwards from the shoulder to the base. The neck is very short to almost non-existent with the finishes varying from a laid-on ri…
Created on: Saturday 15th July 2017
Last updated: Monday 30th March 2020
Spatial data recorded.
Record ID: MAS-D100080
County: Kent
Workflow stage: Published
Two clear glass perfume bottles.
One has a square tapered body and measures 85 mm by 35 mm while the other measures 95 mm by 40 mm and has a round body complete with a round stopper and still contains yellow liquid. Perfume bottles were part of the vessel's cargo and many other bottles have been salvaged from the wreck by divers during recent years. Their form would be entirely consistent with a date around the turn of the 19th/20th century.
Created on: Saturday 15th July 2017
Last updated: Monday 30th March 2020
Spatial data recorded.
Record ID: MAS-D100079
Object type: CLAY PIPE (SMOKING)
County: Kent
Workflow stage: Published
All three pipes here are complete and are of the short or 'cutty' form. Two of the pipes measure 100 mm and have bowls in the form of a male head, wearing a thin-brimmed cap, while the third, which measures 120 mm, has a simple impression pattern around the outside of the rim. The male head on two of the pipes has previously been thought to represent a military figure or the head of a French soldier. They fall into a group of more elaborate decorative pipes with bowls moulded in the form of human heads and animals, that were common in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Such decora…
Created on: Saturday 15th July 2017
Last updated: Monday 30th March 2020
Spatial data recorded.
Record ID: MAS-O100234
Object type: BARREL
Broad period: POST MEDIEVAL
County: Down
Workflow stage: Published
This find comprises of the remains of three to four wooden barrels, which were buried in the intertidal sandy substrate of a pleasure beach. The action of the tide revealed the barrels and it is unclear how much of the barrels remain. End of the staves, lengths of timber making the sides of the barrel, are visible and clearly degraded. In some cases these give the appearance of flaring outwards, implying that only the lower portion of the barrel remains. At least one barrel exhibits inwardly projecting staves, suggesting more than half of the barrel remains. There is some evidence for …
Created on: Monday 15th October 2018
Last updated: Monday 30th March 2020
Spatial data recorded.
Record ID: MAS-O100189
Object type: NAIL
Broad period: POST MEDIEVAL
County: Greater London Authority
Workflow stage: Published
The find consists of 8 iron nails and an unidentifiable object that contains one further nail and is made of, or covered in, what appears to be fur.
The nails range in length from 135 - 175 mm, and c. 10 - 20 mm in width at their widest point below the head. All 8 nails have a rose type head and taper to a broad point. These features suggest that the nails were hand wrought, rather than cut or wire, a method where each nail is manufactured individually by hand on a blacksmiths anvil. The invention of the slitting mill c. 1590 simplified this process by manufacturing iron rods from whi…
Created on: Wednesday 13th June 2018
Last updated: Monday 30th March 2020
Spatial data recorded.
Record ID: MAS-O100203
Object type: HANDAXE
Broad period: PALAEOLITHIC
County: City of Portsmouth
Workflow stage: Published
Images of this find were sent to Andrew Shaw, flint specialist at Wessex Archaeology who determined that this object is an ovate biface handaxe that is in mint condition. This example is approximately 50-60 mm in width and 80-100 mm in long-axis. He said that the form of the butt and lateral margins are reminiscent of late Middle Palaeolithic handaxes, and it's possible that deposits of that age may be found in the intertidal and offshore zone in. Based on the images alone, he said that it's possibly a late Middle Palaeolithic handaxe dating from between 60,000 to 30,000 years ago. Han…
Created on: Friday 3rd August 2018
Last updated: Tuesday 31st March 2020
Spatial data recorded.
Record ID: MAS-D100230
Object type: BOTTLE
County: Kent
Workflow stage: Published
Three bottles of blown glass. The frst two bottles are torpedo or Hamilton´s type bottle (Hamilton introduced this type of blow molding) from the mid-nineteenth century dedicated to containing carbonated water or 'soda'. Both are light blue/green 'aqua' glass and measure 250 mm long and have a diameter of 75 mm with a 'bottom-weighted' blob finish. The inscription "Aerated Water" "Bombay" makes reference to the content and place of distribution, something that manufacturers of this type of packaging commonly did. The design ensured that the bottles would be stored on their side, keepi…
Created on: Tuesday 2nd October 2018
Last updated: Wednesday 1st April 2020
Spatial data recorded.
Record ID: MAS-D100231
Object type: BOTTLE
Broad period: POST MEDIEVAL
County: Kent
Workflow stage: Published
Brown ceramic bottle with a glazed surface. It was intended to contain gin of Dutch origin. The bottle measures 310 mm long and has a diameter of 85 mm with a ring type handle on the neck of the bottle. The bottle is printed with the phrase 'WYNAND FOCKINK' 'AMSTERDAM'.
In Amsterdam, Wynand Focknik has been making distinctive hand-crafted liqueurs and jenevers (Dutch gin) since 1679 (Greenberg 2012). In the 17th century, when the Dutch East Indiaman ships brought herbs, spices and sugar to Amsterdam, distillers started distilling liqueurs on a large scale. The city had become very pro…
Created on: Tuesday 2nd October 2018
Last updated: Wednesday 8th April 2020
Spatial data recorded.
Record ID: MAS-D100173
Object type: CLOCK
County: Kent
Workflow stage: Published
This record refers to the clock parts recovered as part of a group of finds. The finder described the items as 6 clock parts, the square glass from the clock face and the copper clock face from a grandfather clock, which suggests these finds represent parts of two separate clocks.
Three of the clock parts, manufactured in a copper alloy, are circular and bear teeth around their circumference indicating they are part of the clockwork mechanism. Two other parts, also in copper alloy, are circular but without evidence of teeth. One has three screw holes arranged around a central circular…
Created on: Wednesday 2nd May 2018
Last updated: Thursday 9th April 2020
Spatial data recorded.
Record ID: MAS-D100128
Object type: HINGE
Workflow stage: Published
This record refers to the metal hinge and attached timber shown in the top left corner of image one, the other finds are dealt with under separate records.
The object is approximately 305 mm in overall length and 204 mm in overall width. For the hinge element of the object only one leaf can be observed from the photo, which measures approximately 64 mm by 127 mm. Given the leaves are likely to be identical in size, this would suggest the overall width is approximately 127 mm making a regular square when fully opened. The metal of the hinge is in generally good condition, with some blu…
Created on: Monday 9th October 2017
Last updated: Wednesday 22nd April 2020
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