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Record ID: MAS-D100048
Object type: CUP
County: Kent
Workflow stage: Published
Eleven teacups measuring 4 inches x 3 inches in size. The cups have a Chinese style design with a light grey colour pattern, and appear to be made of porcelain (although this has not been confirmed). Similar in decorative style to the bowls recorded as MAS-D100047, it is assumed that these teacups were made by either Charles Meigh of Hanley, Staffordshire (1835-49), the preceding company, J. Meigh and Son (c.1805-34), or the succeeding company, Charles Meigh and Son (1851-61) (Godden 1964, 428-429).
Created on: Sunday 4th June 2017
Last updated: Tuesday 26th September 2017
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Record ID: MAS-D100035
Object type: JAR
Broad period: MEDIEVAL
Workflow stage: Published
Part of a large clay storage jar. Due to the size of the fragment and the degree of marine growth on this item it has been tentatively identified as an olive jar, probably Spanish in origin, and dating anywhere between the medieval to post-medieval period (13th/14th to 18th century), most likely from the latter end of this date range (16th - 18th century).
Created on: Friday 7th April 2017
Last updated: Tuesday 26th September 2017
No spatial data available.
Record ID: MAS-100020
Object type: JAR
Broad period: POST MEDIEVAL
County: Kent
Workflow stage: Published
Pottery sherd: a rim sherd from a Post Medieval glazed redware flanged bowl with a horizontal looped side handle. The sherd dates to the 17th/18th century. The manufacture and origin of the sherd is unknown due to the mass production of this type of kitchenware.
Created on: Tuesday 13th December 2016
Last updated: Monday 3rd April 2017
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