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Record ID: MAS-D100040
Object type: BOTTLE
Broad period: POST MEDIEVAL
Workflow stage: Published
One onion bottle dated to c.1700.
Glass onion bottles were large hand-blown glass bottles, used aboard sailing ships to hold wine or brandy. For increased stability on rough seas, the bottles were fashioned with a wide-bottom shape to prevent toppling. Between c.1690 and c.1720 the outline of a wine bottle resembled an onion - a wide compressed globular body and a short neck (Robinson and Harding 2015). Most bottles before 1700 had a ring of glass just below the neck that gave anchorage to the string used to hold in variety of stoppers. The Dutch bottles usually had a longer neck than…
Created on: Tuesday 23rd May 2017
Last updated: Wednesday 4th October 2017
No spatial data available.
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