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  • Thumbnail image of MAS-D100173

Record ID: MAS-D100173
Object type: CLOCK
County: Kent
Workflow stage: Published Find published
This record refers to the clock parts recovered as part of a group of finds. The finder described the items as 6 clock parts, the square glass from the clock face and the copper clock face from a grandfather clock, which suggests these finds represent parts of two separate clocks. Three of the clock parts, manufactured in a copper alloy, are circular and bear teeth around their circumference indicating they are part of the clockwork mechanism. Two other parts, also in copper alloy, are circular but without evidence of teeth. One has three screw holes arranged around a central circular…
Created on: Wednesday 2nd May 2018
Last updated: Thursday 9th April 2020
Spatial data recorded.

  • Thumbnail image of MAS-D100128

Record ID: MAS-D100128
Object type: HINGE
Workflow stage: Published Find published
This record refers to the metal hinge and attached timber shown in the top left corner of image one, the other finds are dealt with under separate records. The object is approximately 305 mm in overall length and 204 mm in overall width. For the hinge element of the object only one leaf can be observed from the photo, which measures approximately 64 mm by 127 mm. Given the leaves are likely to be identical in size, this would suggest the overall width is approximately 127 mm making a regular square when fully opened. The metal of the hinge is in generally good condition, with some blu…
Created on: Monday 9th October 2017
Last updated: Wednesday 22nd April 2020
No spatial data available.

111 - 112 of 112 records.

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