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  • Thumbnail image of MAS-D100150

Record ID: MAS-D100150
Object type: LID
Broad period: MODERN
Workflow stage: Published Find published
One copper item, thought to be a lid by discoverer. It is around 180 mm in diameter with greenish brown discolouration from the oxidising of the copper. At its centre there is a raised disc that has been possibly beaten out of the original shape. This circular embossed disc is approximately 90 mm in diameter and has a small circular aperture in its centre (roughly 10 mm diameter). Other than a lid, the item could be a lamp shade of some sort or a hub of some wheeled apparatus.
Created on: Monday 9th October 2017
Last updated: Friday 27th March 2020
No spatial data available.

  • Thumbnail image of MAS-D100146

Record ID: MAS-D100146
County: Kent
Workflow stage: Published Find published
Find consists of an ornate metal piece, bearing a flyr de lys type of design above a solid bar, presumably used for mounting. No dimensions were given, though it is suggested to be made from lead and H shaped, the finder described it as "part of a fireguard from the ship room". This material type would seem unsuitable for such a purpose, therefore it is still unclear what the purpose of this object is, although it is generally accepted that it is a decorative object of some sort.
Created on: Wednesday 2nd May 2018
Last updated: Thursday 26th March 2020
Spatial data recorded.

  • Thumbnail image of MAS-D100233

Record ID: MAS-D100233
County: Kent
Workflow stage: Published Find published
This find appears to be some form of decorative finial manufactured from a non-ferrous metal, possibly a copper alloy. It measures approximately 356 mm in length, 102 mm in width at the base and 127 mm in width at the widest point just below the top of the object. The base appears to be damaged, though clearly separates into three possible legs or feet. Approximately 76 mm from the base it seems to narrow slightly, possibly due to bearing a ring decoration, though this is difficult to ascertain due to the level of encrustation on the object. The shaft of the item extends for a further …
Created on: Wednesday 10th October 2018
Last updated: Thursday 26th March 2020
Spatial data recorded.

  • Thumbnail image of MAS-100016

Record ID: MAS-100016
Broad period: POST MEDIEVAL
County: Essex
Workflow stage: Published Find published
This assemblage of metal objects includes an iron handle possibly inscribed with letters; a lead sailmakers palm guard; a bronze scribe; a small gun powder measure; a cup; and what are possibly a musket ball and a rivet; along with several other metal objects of unknown function. All the items appear to be post medieval in date. It is thought that these finds are either being washed into the area from another location or are being exposed by erosion, as each visit to the location reveals more objects.
Created on: Monday 17th October 2016
Last updated: Tuesday 15th August 2017
Spatial data recorded.

  • Thumbnail image of MAS-D100049

Record ID: MAS-D100049
Broad period: POST MEDIEVAL
Workflow stage: Published Find published
Two circular wooden pulley sheaves. It is not clear whether these wooden pulley sheaves were a pair or from single sheave pulleys. Generally made from ash (Fraxinus), hickory (Carya) in the case of North America, or Lignum vitae. Lignum vitae, Latin for 'wood of life', is a trade wood, also called Guayacan or Guaiacum from the trees of the genus Guaiacum. The trees are indigenous to the Caribbean and the northern coast of South America and have been an important export crop to Europe since the beginning of the 16th century due to its extraordinary combination of strength, toughness, an…
Created on: Tuesday 14th March 2017
Last updated: Tuesday 26th September 2017
No spatial data available.

  • Thumbnail image of MAS-D100180

Record ID: MAS-D100180
Object type: CANNON
Broad period: POST MEDIEVAL
County: Dorset
Workflow stage: Published Find published
This item appears to be a small calibre black powder weapon, such as a swivel gun, commonly mounted on vessels throughout the age of sail as well as being used in terrestrial settings. The weapon is approximately 750 mm in overall length, with external muzzle diameter of approximately 110 mm flaring to an external diameter of 180 mm at the breech end. The condition of the artefact is poor due to heave concretion, though visual analysis suggests it is a muzzle loading gun. No Trunnions for mounting the weapon are immediately apparent despite the concretion. As their name suggests, swiv…
Created on: Friday 1st June 2018
Last updated: Thursday 26th March 2020
Spatial data recorded.

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