All records relating to recovered archaeological material believed to be ‘wreck’ (objects that were derived from a maritime vessel regardless of size or significance) need to be sent to the Receiver of Wreck (RoW) within 28 days of the discovery being made using their form: Report of Wreck and Salvage. This form is automatically generated as a result of recording a find using the online recording form or MAS app for Android or iOS. Once the find is uploaded to the database, the RoW form is emailed to the finder, who must print and check the details on it and then sign and send it to the RoW using the following information.
Receiver of Wreck
The Maritime and Coastguard Agency
Spring Place
105 Commercial Road
SO15 1EG
Phone: 020 381 72575
When a find is recorded through the MAS, an unsigned copy of the form (including contact details as supplied) will be automatically forwarded to the RoW. Recording a find to the MAS database does not replace the need for finders to report wreck to the RoW as described.