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    • County: Essex
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    • Institution: MAS

  • Thumbnail image of MAS-100017

Record ID: MAS-100017
Broad period: UNKNOWN
County: Essex
Workflow stage: Published Find published
This cattle mandible, or lower jaw, is comprised of two incomplete sections; cattle mandibles are rarely encountered in the archaeological record as conjoined pairs (Zhang et al. 2013). The smaller piece is an incomplete section featuring both pre-molars and molars. The larger piece is fairly complete, with the exception of teeth, extending all the way to the part in which the incisors and canines would be located. This front section is separated from the molar and pre-molar root holes by the diastema. Providing a relative date for this cattle mandible is challenging without further e…
Created on: Tuesday 18th October 2016
Last updated: Monday 16th January 2017
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  • Thumbnail image of MAS-100016

Record ID: MAS-100016
Broad period: POST MEDIEVAL
County: Essex
Workflow stage: Published Find published
This assemblage of metal objects includes an iron handle possibly inscribed with letters; a lead sailmakers palm guard; a bronze scribe; a small gun powder measure; a cup; and what are possibly a musket ball and a rivet; along with several other metal objects of unknown function. All the items appear to be post medieval in date. It is thought that these finds are either being washed into the area from another location or are being exposed by erosion, as each visit to the location reveals more objects.
Created on: Monday 17th October 2016
Last updated: Tuesday 15th August 2017
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  • Thumbnail image of MAS-100010

Record ID: MAS-100010
Broad period: ROMAN
County: Essex
Workflow stage: Published Find published
This is a group of nine sherds of ceramic, of which six are samian ware (also called terra sigillata). Samian pottery is a mould-made, glossy red, mass-produced, fine tableware. It was first manufactured in northern Italy at the end of the 1st century BC, however by AD 43 production had moved to Gaul (France). The production of samian ware ended around AD 260. The following interpretation is based on the photographs associated with this record. An examination of the fabric and surviving decorative elements may provide further information on the region of manufacture or production cent…
Created on: Wednesday 28th September 2016
Last updated: Thursday 13th April 2017
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  • Thumbnail image of MAS-100009

Record ID: MAS-100009
Object type: SHOT
Broad period: POST MEDIEVAL
County: Essex
Workflow stage: Published Find published
This is an assemblage of six round cast iron and stone projectiles of varying sizes. Due to the ubiquitous nature of their design, it is difficult to accurately date cannonballs with any certainty. This issue is compounded by the wide variation in designs and calibres of the cannons that fired them and the lifespan of the weapon, with obsolete designs often still in use on merchant ships long after they had fallen out of service with the various navies of Northern Europe, who also used captured weapons on their vessels. Cast iron cannonballs are thought to have appeared at some point d…
Created on: Wednesday 28th September 2016
Last updated: Thursday 13th April 2017
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