Object types that the Scheme uses

These terms are from the FISH Archaeological Objects Thesaurus (Forum on Information Standards in Heritage - FISH).

Term Scope note Term type SENESCHAL URI Other URI
AVENUE (ROAD) A wide street, traditionally lined with trees. Preferred term 159183 -
Avenue Type Flarepath Site Narrow term 160284 -
AVIARY A house, enclosure or large cage for the keeping and breeding of birds. Preferred term 69008 -
AWL A simple, pointed implement for piercing. Preferred term 96914 -
AXE A tool with an edged head and a wooden shaft, used for a variety of purposes. Preferred term - -
Axe Factory Narrow term 70549 -
AXE HAMMER An axe with a cutting edge and a hammer head. Preferred term 143949 -
AXE MOULD A mould in which an axehead is cast. Preferred term 96983 -
AXE TRIMMING FLAKE Characteristic waste flakes struck off in the production of axes. Preferred term 97526 -
Axe Working Floor Narrow term 121373 -
AXEHEAD The cutting or chopping part of an axe. Preferred term 100153 -
AXEHEAD ROUGHOUT An unfinished, roughly shaped axehead. Preferred term 100112 -
AXIAL BEAM A ceiling beam aligned with the length of a building. Preferred term 137379 -
AXIAL CHIMNEY PLAN A plan of a building which consists of two or more cells where the chimney is placed on the axis of the building between two rooms and midway between the lateral walls. Preferred term 137380 -
AXLE A rod or spindle, either fixed or rotating, on which a wheel or group of wheels is fixed. Preferred term 95455 -
AXLE CAP Usually made of iron, this bound the end of an axle and was perforated to allow a linch pin to pass through the axle and keep the wheel in place. Preferred term 95456 -
B Class Motor Launch Narrow term - -
B Class Submarine Narrow term - -
Baby Feeder Narrow term - -
BABY GARDEN A garden associated with a crematorium where the ashes of deceased infants are scattered or buried. Preferred term 151492 -
Back Choir Narrow term 137381 -
BACK HOUSE A brewing or baking house attached to a vernacular building, 16/17th century. Preferred term 91104 -
BACK PURLIN A purlin that is joined to the back of a principal rafter. Preferred term 137382 -
BACK SHED A single-storey structure, usually situated against the exterior of a walled garden's south facing wall, used for storage and often accomodation. Preferred term 159388 -
BACK STAIRCASE A staircase for the use of servants, tradesmen or individuals not permitted to use the main part of a building or establishment. Preferred term 137383 -
Back To Back Narrow term 91105 -
Back To Back Cottage Narrow term 91106 -
BACK TO BACK HOUSE A house in a terrace consisting of a double row of houses sharing a common back wall, characteristic of industrial cities in the North of England. Preferred term 71514 -
BACK TO BACK TERRACE A terrace consisting of a double row of houses sharing a common back wall, characteristic of industrial cities in the North of England. Preferred term 91107 -
BACK TO EARTH HOUSE A type of back to back house built on a hillside, of four storeys and with entrances at different levels. Preferred term 91108 -

781 - 810 of 12,437 records.

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