These terms are from the FISH Archaeological Objects Thesaurus (Forum on Information Standards in Heritage - FISH).
Term | Scope note | Term type | SENESCHAL URI | Other URI |
BATTLEAXE | An axe designed for fighting could be single or double headed and used with one or two hands. Where use is thought to be ceremonial multiple index with ceremonial object. | Preferred term | 95165 | - |
BATTLECRUISER | A capital warship lightly armoured but with the same gun armament and stem turbine propulsion as a DREADNOUGHT BATTLESHIP. | Preferred term | - | - |
BATTLEFIELD | The field or area of ground on which a battle or skirmish was fought. | Preferred term | 68758 | - |
BATTLEFIELD DEBRIS | Ordnance, expended or otherwise, weapons, armour, personal effects, transport wreckage, or ship wreckage, left behind on the site of a terrestrial or naval battle. | Preferred term | 164136 | - |
BATTLEFIELD WRECKAGE | Structural elements (parts of hull etc.) or fixtures and fittings (masts, etc.) lost during a naval engagement without incurring the actual loss of a ship. May also be used as a monument type for expended ammunition (e.g. shells, cannonballs). | Preferred term | 164137 | - |
BATTLEMENT | An indented parapet consisting of raised parts, called merlons, separated by gaps, or crenelles. | Preferred term | 137427 | - |
BATTLESHIP | A capital warship, often steam driven, heavily armoured with armament of large calibre guns deployed in turrets. | Preferred term | - | - |
BAUXITE | Mineral ore comprising mainly aluminium ore and mined for aluminium extraction. | Preferred term | 152263 | - |
BAWLEY | A small coastal fishing vessel peculiar to Kent, cutter rigged. | Preferred term | - | - |
BAY | A regular structural subdivision or compartment within a building, defined by dividing walls or the positions of the principal supporting members. | Preferred term | 137428 | - |
BAY LEAF | Bay-leaf shaped decorative ornamentation, usually adorning mouldings or friezes, often depicted in a garland arrangement. | Preferred term | 137429 | - |
BAY WINDOW | A window that forms a projection from the body of a building, extending down to ground level, forming a bay in the wall's interior. | Preferred term | 137430 | - |
BAYONET | A short stabbing weapon, designed to be fixed to the muzzle of a musket or rifle, even in some cases to pistols. Some were designed to be used both fixed to long guns and independent of them. | Preferred term | 95166 | - |
Bazaar | Use both terms. | Narrow term | 91155 | - |
BCF FLAT ROOF HUT | A hut consisting of a frame of reinforced concrete posts into which concrete panels were slotted. Designed by the British Concrete Federation during WWII to be resistant to bomb blasts & used for military accommodation, child nurseries and clinics etc. | Preferred term | 159296 | - |
Bcf Hut | Narrow term | 162567 | - | |
BCF LIGHT HUT | A hut consisting of a frame of reinforced concrete posts into which panels of either pre cast concrete or corrugated asbestos could be slotted. Designed by the British Concrete Federation during WWII. | Preferred term | 159309 | - |
BEACH DEFENCE | Obstacles such as scaffolding, barbed wire and concrete blocks or cylinders placed on a beach to impede the progress of enemy soldiers, vehicles or watercraft landing from the sea. | Preferred term | 82861 | - |
BEACH DEFENCE BATTERY | Gun battery built specifically to mount short range weapons to defend a beach against an attempted landing. | Preferred term | 94040 | - |
BEACH DEFENCE LIGHT | A searchlight battery used to light a beach. | Preferred term | 142036 | - |
BEACH HUT | A small timber one-roomed dwelling where holiday makers could rest after a day spent sunbathing, swimming and playing on the beach. | Preferred term | 91156 | - |
Beach Light Emplacement | Narrow term | 94413 | - | |
BEACH SCAFFOLDING | Scaffolding erected on a beach and in the surf so as to prevent hostile forces from landing. | Preferred term | 160502 | - |
BEACON | A site or structure on which a signal, especially a fire, could be placed as a warning or means of communication. Use for beacon sites or surviving beacon structures. | Preferred term | 68827 | - |
BEAD | A small, pierced, often spherical or cylindrical, piece of glass, wood,etc, which may be strung together with others to form a necklace. | Preferred term | 96488 | - |
BEAD | A small convex moulding, often decorated with beads and reels. | Preferred term | 138944 | - |
Bead And Berry | Narrow term | 138841 | - | |
BEAD AND REEL | Decorative ornamentation consisting of alternating bead shapes with small, elliptical forms resembling reels | Preferred term | 137431 | - |
Bead House | Narrow term | 91157 | - | |
Bead House Chapel | Use both terms. | Narrow term | 91158 | - |
1051 - 1080 of 12,437 records.