Object types that the Scheme uses

These terms are from the FISH Archaeological Objects Thesaurus (Forum on Information Standards in Heritage - FISH).

Term Scope note Term type SENESCHAL URI Other URI
BALL FINIAL A decorative ball usually used to ornament a bench end, canopy, gable, pinnacle or spire. Preferred term 137393 -
BALL FLOWER Decorative ornamentation in the form of a ball enclosed within petals. Preferred term 137394 -
BALL MILL A cylindrical device using ceramic or metallic balls to grind materials like ores, chemicals, ceramic raw materials and paints Preferred term 144597 -
BALL SPORTS SITE A building, site or structure associated with the playing of ball sports. Preferred term 103473 -
BALL WINDING MACHINE A hand operated machine for winding cotton and linen thread into balls - invented in 1802. Preferred term 137395 -
BALLAST A heavy substance, usually gravel, sand or lead, placed in the bilge of a ship or boat to provide stability. Preferred term 82851 -
BALLAST HILL An artificial mound created by the disposal of aggregate originally used as ballast in ships. Preferred term 146409 -
BALLAST POND A water-filled hole used for the disposal of aggregate originally used as ballast in ships. Preferred term 91120 -
Ballast Pound Narrow term 91121 -
BALLET SCHOOL A training school where ballet is taught. Preferred term 91122 -
BALLISTA BALL A stone missile fired from a ballista, larger in diameter than ballista shot. Preferred term 95160 -
BALLISTA BOLT A large bolt or arrow fired from a ballista. Preferred term 95161 -
BALLOON SHED A building used for fabricating balloon and airship envelopes. Preferred term 91123 -
BALLROOM A room for holding receptions particularly balls. Preferred term 137396 -
BALLROOM A room designed or suitable for dancing. Preferred term 91124 -
BALUSTER A vertical pillar or post, often shaped. Preferred term 96004 -
BALUSTER An upright member supporting a coping or handrail in a balustrade or staircase. Preferred term 137397 -
BALUSTRADE The structure consisting of a series of balusters supporting a rail or coping, and sometimes a base and pedestal, on a parapet, balcony or staircase. Preferred term 137398 -
BALUSTRADE A row of balusters, usually made of stone, surmounted by a rail or coping. Preferred term 71386 -
BAND (MOULDING) A continuous series of ornaments within a horizontal moulding. Preferred term 138844 -
BAND (STRUCTURAL) A flat, horizontal strip, block or moulding, sometimes decorated, on a facade or interrupting an architectural feature such as a column. Preferred term 138834 -
BANDAGE A strip of cloth used for binding a wound. Preferred term 95258 -
BANDAGE FACTORY A building manufacturing bandages. Preferred term 164189 -
BANDED COLUMN A column in which the shaft is interrupted by stone bands. Preferred term 137400 -
BANDEROLLE A flat band carrying a motto. Preferred term 137401 -
BANDSTAND A platform or other structure for the use of a band of musicians. Preferred term 69009 -
Bangle Narrow term - -
BANJO ENCLOSURE A monument consisting of a small (generally less than 100m diameter) subcircular enclosure with a narrow approach way consisting of parallel ditches (thus banjo shaped). Believed to be associated with stock management in the Later Prehistoric period. Preferred term 68979 -
BANK (EARTHWORK) Linear or curvilinear construction of earth, turf and stone, often, but not always accompanied by a ditch. Use specific type where known. Preferred term 91126 -
BANK (FINANCIAL) An establishment used for the custody of money received from, or on behalf, of its customers. Preferred term 91127 -

871 - 900 of 12,437 records.

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