Object types that the Scheme uses

These terms are from the FISH Archaeological Objects Thesaurus (Forum on Information Standards in Heritage - FISH).

Term Scope note Term type SENESCHAL URI Other URI
BEAUTY SALON An establishment where beauty treatments and associated therapies are provided by professional practitioners. Preferred term 141168 -
BEAVER FURS The pelts of beavers used for the manufacture of fur coats and hats. Preferred term 83087 -
BED To be used for the frame elements only, not for the bedding. Preferred term 96524 -
BED BURIAL An inhumation burial in which the corpse is laid on a wooden bed, often surrounded by a collection of grave-goods. Anglo-Saxon rite of 7th century AD. Preferred term 140258 -
Bed Chamber Narrow term 137437 -
BED MOULDING A moulding on an entablature that is between the frieze and the corona. Preferred term 137438 -
BED NOOK A small projection designed to allow space for a bed. Preferred term 137439 -
BED PAN A container used as a lavatory by bedridden people. Preferred term 96822 -
Bed Recess Narrow term 137440 -
BEDDING Soft items used to make a bed ready to be slept upon. Preferred term 97202 -
Bedehouse Narrow term 70494 -
Bedehouse Chapel Use both terms. Narrow term 91163 -
Bedlam A historic term for a psychiatric hospital or institution. Refers to the infamous 13th century institution in London, called the hospital of St Mary of Bethlehem or Bethlem Royal Hospital, known for its brutal treatment of its patients. Narrow term 70531 -
Bedpost Narrow term - -
BEDROOM A room intended to contain a bed. Preferred term 137441 -
Bedsheet Narrow term - -
BEDSTEAD WORKS A building or site used for the production of frameworks of beds. Preferred term 140109 -
BEE BOLE A recess in a stone or brick wall, usually bounding a garden or orchard, set two to three feet from the ground and facing south to south-east to catch the morning sun, in which a bee skep/beehive is placed. Often found in groupings of three to six. Preferred term 68574 -
BEE GARDEN A garden in which bees are kept. Preferred term 68575 -
Bee Hole Narrow term 91164 -
BEE HOUSE A building with shelves and/or stands for skeps or wooden hives, and flight holes through the walls for bees. Preferred term 71609 -
BEE SKEP A portable beehive, often made of straw. Preferred term 99628 -
BEE SKEP A portable beehive, often made of straw. Preferred term 91165 -
Bee Skepp Narrow term - -
BEEF The meat obtained from cattle. Preferred term 78909 -
Beef Market Narrow term 91166 -
BEEHIVE A receptacle used as a home for bees, traditionally made of thick straw work in the shape of a dome,but sometimes made of wood. Preferred term 95656 -
BEEHIVE A receptacle used as a home for bees, traditionally made of thick straw-work in the shape of a dome, but sometimes made of wood. Preferred term 68576 -
Beehive Hut Narrow term 70572 -
Beehive Kiln Narrow term 91167 -

1111 - 1140 of 12,437 records.

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