Object types that the Scheme uses

These terms are from the FISH Archaeological Objects Thesaurus (Forum on Information Standards in Heritage - FISH).

Term Scope note Term type SENESCHAL URI Other URI
HORSE RUBBING HOUSE A building where horses are rubbed down after training. Preferred term 92271 -
HORSE STOCK A frame used to lift unco-operative horses off the ground during shoeing. Preferred term 92272 -
HORSE TACK Equipment enabling a horse to be ridden or driven, eg. saddles, bridles, harnesses, stirrups etc. Preferred term 159340 -
HORSE TRAPPING Ornamentation fixed to a horse's harness. Preferred term 97578 -
HORSE TROUGH A long, wooden, metal or stone vessel holding drinking water for horses. Preferred term 70809 -
HORSE TUNNEL A tunnel built alongside a canal tunnel to enable a horse to be unhitched and led through the hillside to meet the barge when it emerged from the tunnel. Mainly built prior to the development of the towpath tunnel. Preferred term 92273 -
Horse Walk Narrow term 92274 -
Horse Wash Narrow term 92275 -
Horse Weighing Machine Narrow term 94177 -
HORSE WHEEL A simple machine, worked by horses, to provide a power take-off for driving agricultural machinery. Preferred term 69366 -
Horse Wheel House Narrow term 70974 -
HORSE WHIM A horse-powered winding engine used at mining sites. Preferred term 69367 -
HORSE WHIM A timber, horse-powered device consisting of a large, rotating drum around which a rope would be wound, hoisting material from a quarry pit, mine shaft etc.. Preferred term 137867 -
Horse Whip Narrow term - -
Horse Yard Narrow term 162576 -
Horsebit Narrow term - -
HORSEHAIR FACTORY The cleaning and sorting of horse hair mainly for use in the upholstery trade. Preferred term 92276 -
Horsehair Works Narrow term 92277 -
Horsemans Cottage Narrow term 92278 -
HORSES Large mammals, domesticated for riding and as draught animals. Preferred term 79040 -
HORSESHOE A shaped piece of iron perforated for nails and used on horses. Preferred term 95696 -
HORSESHOE ARCH An arch, either pointed or round, which broadens above the springing line, creating a horseshoe shape. Preferred term 137868 -
Horseshoe Nail Narrow term - -
HORTICULTURAL COLLEGE An educational establishment where the art of garden cultivation is taught. Preferred term 92279 -
HORTICULTURAL CONTAINER A container used in growing plants, either to contain or for use in their cultivation eg watering cans. Preferred term 97229 -
HORTICULTURAL HALL A hall used for the promotion and selling of horticultural produce and practice. Preferred term 92280 -
HOSE TOWER A structure sited within the grounds of a fire station used for drying hoses. Preferred term 92281 -
HOSIERS COTTAGE The residence and small-scale workshop of a hosier. Preferred term 92282 -
HOSIERY FACTORY A factory or works housing machinery used to produce stockings and socks, using mechanized knitting processes. Preferred term 69410 -
Hosiery Works Narrow term 92283 -

5761 - 5790 of 12,437 records.

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