These terms are from the FISH Archaeological Objects Thesaurus (Forum on Information Standards in Heritage - FISH).
Term | Scope note | Term type | SENESCHAL URI | Other URI |
HELIOCHRONOMETER | A sundial capable of giving an accurate reading of standard time to the minute. | Preferred term | 140803 | - |
Helm | Narrow term | - | - | |
HELM ROOF | A roof with four sloping sides, rising from four gables, joining at the apex like a pyramid. | Preferred term | 137855 | - |
HELMET | A defensive or protective covering for the head. | Preferred term | 95183 | - |
Helmet Cheekpiece | Narrow term | - | - | |
HELTER SKELTER | A fairground ride, often a permanent structure, consisting of a tower with an internal staircase and an external spiral shaped slide. | Preferred term | 162990 | - |
HELVE HAMMER | A cast iron hammer used for shingling iron or making heavy forgings. | Preferred term | 92221 | - |
HEMMEL | A small roofed shelter for cattle without tethering point or stalls, but with a small yard attached. It is often detached from the main range of farm buildings. | Preferred term | 78141 | - |
HEMP | A herbaceous plant grown for its fibre and marijuana, a drug derivative. The fibres are used in the manufacture of rope. | Preferred term | 79035 | - |
HEMP MILL | A factory where hemp, the woody stalk of the hemp plant, used for the making of coarse cloth and cordage, was processed. | Preferred term | 69309 | - |
HEMP STORE | A building used for the storage of rope made from the fibrous stems of the hemp plant. | Preferred term | 92222 | - |
HEN BATTERY | A series of cages in which hens are confined for intensive egg laying. | Preferred term | 92223 | - |
Hen Cote | Narrow term | 92224 | - | |
Hen House | Narrow term | 92225 | - | |
HENGE | Circular or sub-circular enclosure defined by a bank and (usually internal) ditch, with one or two (rarely more) entrances. Of ceremonial/ritual function, they contain a variety of internal features including timber or stone circles. | Preferred term | 70096 | - |
HENGE ENCLOSURE | A late Neolithic/Early Bronze Age earthwork enclosure distinguished from a henge primarily by its larger size, irregular shape, and greater complexity of internal features. | Preferred term | 70097 | - |
HENGIFORM MONUMENT | A small, circular Late Neolithic/Early Bronze Age enclosure which bears a morphological resemblance to henges, but may belong to another category of circular earthwork-defined monuments, or is enclosed by something other than a bank and ditch. | Preferred term | 70098 | - |
HERALDIC DEVICE | An heraldic design depicting armorial bearings. | Preferred term | 96426 | - |
Heraldic Office | Narrow term | 92226 | - | |
Heralds College | Narrow term | 92227 | - | |
HERB DISTILLERY | A distillery for the manufacture of perfumes from herbs. | Preferred term | 92228 | - |
HERB GARDEN | A garden for the cultivation of herbs used for medicinal or culinary purposes. | Preferred term | 84017 | - |
HERBACEOUS BORDER | A long bed planted with perennial flowers and plants. | Preferred term | 82819 | - |
HERBAL BREWERY | A plsce were herbal beers are brewed. | Preferred term | 167017 | - |
HERBARIUM | A building or room containing a collection of preserved plants (usually pressed and dried specimens). | Preferred term | 92229 | - |
HERDERS HOUSE | The residence of a herder. | Preferred term | 94404 | - |
Herdsmans Cottage | Narrow term | 162985 | - | |
Heritage Centre | Narrow term | 84701 | - | |
HERM | A pedestal terminating in a head or bust of Hermes or some other deity. | Preferred term | 92230 | - |
Hermes | Narrow term | 92231 | - |
5581 - 5610 of 12,437 records.