Object types that the Scheme uses

These terms are from the FISH Archaeological Objects Thesaurus (Forum on Information Standards in Heritage - FISH).

Term Scope note Term type SENESCHAL URI Other URI
HARNESS PENDANT Decorative fitting hung from harness. Preferred term 95705 -
HARNESS RING A ring fixed to a vehicle through which the reins were passed. Preferred term 95706 -
HARNESS ROOM A room where fittings such as saddles and harnesses for horses are usually kept. Preferred term 137849 -
HARP A stringed instrument usually with a triangular frame. Preferred term 95483 -
Harp Peg Use both terms. Narrow term - -
Harp Tuning Peg Use both terms. Narrow term - -
HARPOON A barbed spear head used to catch marine life, usually has a rope or line attached to it. Preferred term 95780 -
HARROW A frame set with teeth used to drag over ploughed fields to break down the earth clods etc. Preferred term 95781 -
HARVESTING AND MOWING OBJECT An object used in the harvesting or mowing of crops etc. Preferred term 97682 -
HASP A hinged or looped clasp that fits over a staple and is secured by a pin, bolt or padlock. Preferred term 96270 -
HAT A head covering, usually with a brim. Preferred term 96586 -
HAT FACTORY A factory where hats are manufactured. Preferred term 69409 -
HATCHELLING HOUSE A workshop for combining flax or hemp as a preparatory stage of rope making. Preferred term 92206 -
HATCHET A small, handled axe. Preferred term 97376 -
HATCHMENT A wooden panel, mounted on the wall of a church, bearing the Achievement of Arms of an individual whose funeral has taken place there. Preferred term 138967 -
Hatters Shop Narrow term 92207 -
HATTERS WORKSHOP A place where hats are made and sold. Preferred term 87917 -
Hatting Shop Narrow term 92208 -
HAULAGE ENGINE HOUSE Engine driving a continuous wire rope for the haulage of tubs in a mine and at the heapstead. Preferred term 71481 -
Haulage Table Incline Narrow term 70953 -
HAUNCH A part of an arch between the apex and the springer. Preferred term 137850 -
HAUNTED HOUSE Fairground attraction containing a number of ghoulish displays designed to scare visitors. Preferred term 143198 -
HAWK BELL A small spherical bell for fastening onto the leg of a hawk. Preferred term 97576 -
Hawk Belt Narrow term - -
HAWKING EQUIPMENT Equipment used on a bird of prey for hawking. Preferred term 97512 -
HAY Dried grass used as fodder. Preferred term 82877 -
HAY AND STRAW MARKET An indoor or outdoor market where hay and straw is sold. Preferred term 147523 -
HAY BARN A special type of barn, lacking a threshing floor, usually with open walls, intended for the dry and well ventilated storage of hay only. Preferred term 71528 -
Hay House Narrow term 71631 -
Hay Ree A store for hay, at a remove from the farm (Scots) Narrow term 142996 -

5491 - 5520 of 12,437 records.

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