These terms are from the FISH Archaeological Objects Thesaurus (Forum on Information Standards in Heritage - FISH).
Term | Scope note | Term type | SENESCHAL URI | Other URI |
HERMITAGE (GARDEN) | A garden building usually in a secluded spot, resembling a hermit's dwelling and built as a resting place, retreat or viewing point. | Preferred term | 159185 | - |
HERMITAGE (RELIGIOUS) | A small hut, dwelling or cave, usually in a secluded spot, in which a hermit lived. Hermits chose to live solitary lives often due to religious motives. | Preferred term | 70099 | - |
HERRING | Fish of the family Clupeidae, common to the North Atlantic. They are caught for food. | Preferred term | 79036 | - |
HERRINGBONE STUDDING | Studding in which the studs are at an inclined angle to the posts. | Preferred term | 137856 | - |
HESLOP STEAM ENGINE | A rotative beam steam engine patented in 1790. | Preferred term | 137857 | - |
HEXAGONAL PLAN | A building or structure with a six-sided plan. | Preferred term | 137858 | - |
HIDE | A shelter, sometimes camouflaged, for the observation of birds and animals at close quarters. | Preferred term | 92233 | - |
Hide And Skin Works | Narrow term | 92234 | - | |
HIDES | Animal skins, either raw or dressed which are used in the tanning industry to produce leather. | Preferred term | 79037 | - |
HIDING PLACE | A place used to hide something or someone. | Preferred term | 92235 | - |
High Block | Narrow term | 147251 | - | |
HIGH BREASTSHOT WHEEL | A waterwheel where the water enters below the top of the wheel but above the axle. | Preferred term | 92236 | - |
High Commission Building | Narrow term | 92237 | - | |
HIGH CROSS | A churchyard or memorial cross set on a long shaft. | Preferred term | 70763 | - |
HIGH LIGHT | A lighthouse whose lantern is sufficiently high to be seen at a long range and above low lying cloud or fog. In locations where varying weather conditions occur a High Light is usually accompanied by a LOW LIGHT built alongside or nearby. | Preferred term | 92238 | - |
High Rise Block | Narrow term | 92239 | - | |
High Rise Block Of Flats | Narrow term | 147253 | - | |
High School | Narrow term | 103152 | - | |
HIGH SECURITY PRISON | An establishment where offenders who have committed the most serious crimes, e.g. serial killers, are confined. | Preferred term | 92240 | - |
Higher Elementary School | Narrow term | 92241 | - | |
Higher Grade School | Narrow term | 100230 | - | |
HILL FIGURE | A giant figure of a man or animal carved on chalk hillsides in southern England. | Preferred term | 68768 | - |
HILLFORT | A hilltop enclosure bounded by one or more substantial banks, ramparts and ditches. Use more specific type where known. | Preferred term | 68855 | - |
HILLSLOPE ENCLOSURE | An enclosure defined by a single bank and entrance. They occur on every type of ground, although they favour sheltered, valley side locations. Smaller and usually less well defended than hillforts they are thought to be settlements of Iron Age date. | Preferred term | 169983 | - |
HILLTOP ENCLOSURE | A substantial area of ground surrounded by slight univallate earthwork often interpreted as stock enclosures or as sites where agricultural produce was stored. | Preferred term | 68583 | - |
HINAIDI AIRCRAFT SHED | A semi-permanent ahed designed to Air Ministry specification 1136/27 as a quick and cheap hangar for stations overseas | Preferred term | 140491 | - |
HINDS HALL | A dining hall for the use of seasonal labourers. | Preferred term | 137859 | - |
Hindu Mandir | Narrow term | 162756 | - | |
HINDU TEMPLE | A place of worship for followers of Hinduism. | Preferred term | 94405 | - |
HINGE | A movable joint, usually consisting of two plates joined by a pin, that fastens a door, gate, window etc. to its frame and allows it to open and shut. | Preferred term | 137860 | - |
5611 - 5640 of 12,437 records.