These terms are from the FISH Archaeological Objects Thesaurus (Forum on Information Standards in Heritage - FISH).
Term | Scope note | Term type | SENESCHAL URI | Other URI |
HOLDEN COMBER | A wool combing machine for very fine wools. | Preferred term | 137863 | - |
HOLDFAST | A plinth or pedestal, usually of concrete, to which an anti aircraft or coastal battery gun was fitted. Holdfasts are often the only evidence for a weapon which survive. | Preferred term | 143261 | - |
HOLDFAST | A metal fastener used to hold a tile or stone against a spacer and driven into a wall thus forming a flue between the wall and the tile or stone. Also used to hold timber together. | Preferred term | 96273 | - |
Holding Prison | Narrow term | 78268 | - | |
HOLDING SHED | A building where merchandise and goods are temporarily stored before or after transportation by rail. | Preferred term | 92249 | - |
HOLED STONE | An upright, or originally upright, stone featuring a hole which is often large enough in diameter for a person to pass through, eg. Men an Tol, Cornwall. Do not use for perforated portable stone artefacts. | Preferred term | 94384 | - |
HOLIDAY ACCOMMODATION | A building used as a temporary form of accommodation during a holiday, which includes self-catering. | Preferred term | 169911 | - |
HOLIDAY CAMP | Purposely built camp with recreational facilities and individual chalets for accommodation. | Preferred term | 143231 | - |
HOLIDAY CENTRE | A place with organized amusements for people on holiday. | Preferred term | 92250 | - |
HOLLAND SUBMARINE | First practical submarine design. The first to use a combination of battery power and internal combustion engines. | Preferred term | - | - |
HOLLOW | A hollow, concave formation or place, which has sometimes been dug out. | Preferred term | 70376 | - |
HOLLOW CHAMFER | A chamfer that has been hollowed out to form a concave shape. This is also known as a chamfret. | Preferred term | 169978 | - |
HOLLOW POST MILL | A post mill in which the drive is taken down to the base of the mill by putting an upright shaft in the hollowed post. | Preferred term | 127913 | - |
Hollow Quoin | Narrow term | 143479 | - | |
HOLLOW SPANDREL | A spandrel that is sunk below the surface of the arch. | Preferred term | 137864 | - |
HOLLOW WAY | A way, path or road through a cutting. | Preferred term | 70267 | - |
Holy Sepulchre Priory | Use both terms. | Narrow term | 70539 | - |
Holy Spring | Narrow term | 141248 | - | |
Holy Water Box | Narrow term | - | - | |
Holy Water Pot | Narrow term | - | - | |
HOLY WATER SPRINKLER | A brush or perforated ball on a handle used to sprinkle holy water. | Preferred term | 95967 | - |
Holy Water Vase | Narrow term | - | - | |
HOLY WATER VESSEL | A container for holding water that has been blessed by a priest and is used for symbolic rituals of purification. | Preferred term | 96859 | - |
HOLY WELL | A well or spring, possessing religious or otherwise ritualistic significance, around which a structure, such as a niche, wall or shelter, has been constructed. In the case of the water source being a natural spring, double-index with SPRING. | Preferred term | 70203 | - |
Home For Girls | Narrow term | 92251 | - | |
Home For The Elderly | Narrow term | 92252 | - | |
Home For The Mentally Handicapped | A disused term for a place where people with learning difficulties are cared for. | Narrow term | 92253 | - |
HOME GUARD HEADQUARTERS | A building used as the headquarters for the Home Guard during the Second World War. | Preferred term | 142092 | - |
HOME GUARD OBSERVATION POST | An observation post used by members of the Home Guard. | Preferred term | 160379 | - |
HOME GUARD SHELTER | A structure, often concrete or brick, used as a shelter by members of the British citizen army during watch or patrol duties, or air raids, in wartime. | Preferred term | 141940 | - |
5671 - 5700 of 12,437 records.