These terms are from the FISH Archaeological Objects Thesaurus (Forum on Information Standards in Heritage - FISH).
Term | Scope note | Term type | SENESCHAL URI | Other URI |
BUCRANIUM | Decorative motif in the form of an ox skull. | Preferred term | 137488 | - |
BUDDHIST MONASTERY | A place of worship and residence for followers of Buddha. | Preferred term | 99537 | - |
BUDDHIST TEMPLE | A place of worship for the followers of Buddha. | Preferred term | 91298 | - |
BUDDLE | A stone-lined pit or tank, sometimes circular, for concentrating ores by sedimentation. | Preferred term | 69252 | - |
BUDDLE HOUSE | Building or structure housing a buddle. | Preferred term | 69253 | - |
Buddle Pit | Narrow term | 91299 | - | |
BUFFER DEPOT | A strategic food store, directly operated by, or on behalf of, the government. The stores were used to store a variety of foodstuffs. They were in operation from the end of the Second World War until the early 1990's. | Preferred term | 100192 | - |
BUFFET | A small eating and drinking establishment or refreshment bar. | Preferred term | 91300 | - |
Bugle | Use appropriate term. | Narrow term | - | - |
BUILDERS MERCHANTS | The premises of a builders merchant where building materials such as stone, cement, bricks, tiles and timber could be bought. | Preferred term | 91301 | - |
BUILDERS YARD | An area where builders keep building materials such as brick, stone, planks and cement. | Preferred term | 69056 | - |
BUILDING | A structure with a roof to provide shelter from the weather for occupants or contents. Use specific type where known. | Preferred term | 70336 | - |
BUILDING COMPONENT | A feature which forms part of a building and has a specific functional usage or decorative form. | Preferred term | 137489 | - |
BUILDING COMPONENT | A structure which can be an area within a building, a separate building within a complex or a detached architectural component of a building | Preferred term | 102932 | - |
BUILDING PLATFORM | A site where a building once stood as identified by a level area of ground, often compacted or made from man-made materials. Use only where specific function is unknown, otherwise use more specific term. | Preferred term | 70337 | - |
Building Society Office | Narrow term | 91303 | - | |
BULB STRIP | A small narrow rectilinear enclosure with high hedges boundaries for the cultivation and shelter of flowers, particularly Daffodils and Narcissi. | Preferred term | 147331 | - |
BULK ORE CARRIER | Large cargo vessel specially built and equipped for handling large quantities of ore. | Preferred term | - | - |
BULL | The seal of a papal document | Preferred term | 97286 | - |
BULL ENGINE | An early type of steam engine, similar to a Cornish Engine, designed by Edward Bull. | Preferred term | 137490 | - |
BULL PEN | An enclosure for the containment of a bull. | Preferred term | 71538 | - |
BULL PIT | An enclosure used for baiting bulls. | Preferred term | 151873 | - |
BULLA | A papal document. | Preferred term | 95371 | - |
Bulla (Pendant) | Narrow term | - | - | |
BULLDOZERS | Heavy caterpillar tractors fitted with broad blades to the front for moving or levelling earth and obstacles. | Preferred term | 159169 | - |
BULLET | A projectile discharged from a weapon, usually a firearm. | Preferred term | 95135 | - |
BULLET MOULD | A mould in which bullets or musket balls are cast. | Preferred term | 97340 | - |
BULLION | Metal, usually gold and silver, in the form of ingots prior to being minted into coinage. | Preferred term | 78924 | - |
BULLION AND COIN | Metal, either precious or base, in the form of bars and coins. Use more specific type. | Preferred term | 111795 | - |
Bullock Shed | Narrow term | 91304 | - |
1681 - 1710 of 12,437 records.