Object types that the Scheme uses

These terms are from the FISH Archaeological Objects Thesaurus (Forum on Information Standards in Heritage - FISH).

Term Scope note Term type SENESCHAL URI Other URI
BULLRING An arena for bull-baiting, not a tethering ring. Preferred term 69932 -
BULLROARER A piece of wood attached to a thong that makes a roaring sound when the thong is whirled. Preferred term 95476 -
BULLSEYE WINDOW An oval window placed with its long axis horizontal. The term is often applied to similar round windows. Preferred term 137491 -
BULWARK Unspecified defensive structure like a mound of earth, a rampart, an embankment or a wall-like fortification. Also used as an early term for a bastion or blockhouse. Use more specific term where known. Preferred term 91305 -
BUNG A large stopper, often of cork. Preferred term 96401 -
BUNGALOW A one-storey house. Preferred term 71571 -
BUNKER A structure, often built undergound, used for defence and co-ordination of military activity. Preferred term 91307 -
Buon Retiro Narrow term 91308 -
BUOY A floating, fixed marker used to indicate to a navigator a sea area to approach or avoid. Preferred term 88699 -
BUOY STORE A building used to store navigational buoys. Preferred term 91309 -
Burgage House Narrow term 130153 -
BURGAGE PLOT A plot of land longer than it is wide, can include any structures on it. Typical of medieval towns. Preferred term 127993 -
BURGH A civil and administrative area incorporating a town of medieval origin. Preferred term 143002 -
BURH An Anglo-Saxon fortified town or other defended site, not necessarily urban. Preferred term 68679 -
BURIAL An interment of human or animal remains. Use specific type where known. If component use with wider site type. Use FUNERARY SITE for optimum retrieval in searches. Preferred term 70018 -
BURIAL CAIRN A stony mound containing or concealing deliberately deposited human remains. Use specific type where known. Preferred term 70044 -
Burial Chamber Narrow term 70624 -
BURIAL CHEST Chests connected with the burial of a body. Preferred term 95890 -
Burial Cloth Narrow term - -
Burial Ground Use specific type of cemetry where known. Narrow term 70625 -
Burial Mound Use both terms. Narrow term 70557 -
BURIAL PIT The pit in which human or animal remains are placed for interment,which may be either an inhumation or cremation. Preferred term 137492 -
BURIAL PIT A place where dead bodies are buried together. Often unconsecrated ground. Preferred term 70038 -
Burial Pot Narrow term - -
BURIAL URN An urn containing a cremation burial. Preferred term 95886 -
BURIAL VAULT A built structure, generally below ground, designed for the interment of several burials over a period of time. Usually constructed with a door or sealed entrance to allow reopening for further burials. Preferred term 70042 -
Burial Yard Narrow term 91310 -
BURIED LAND SURFACE A former ground surface buried beneath an earthwork or other sequence of deposits. (includes palaeosoils, turf lines) Preferred term 142968 -
BURIED SOIL HORIZON A surface interpreted as a buried cultivation layer, for example an agriculturally cultivated field. Preferred term 140223 -
BURIN A graving tool used for engraving objects. Prehistoric versions are usually made of flint or other stone, later versions usually of metal. Preferred term 95758 -

1711 - 1740 of 12,437 records.

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