These terms are from the FISH Archaeological Objects Thesaurus (Forum on Information Standards in Heritage - FISH).
Term | Scope note | Term type | SENESCHAL URI | Other URI |
BULLRING | An arena for bull-baiting, not a tethering ring. | Preferred term | 69932 | - |
BULLROARER | A piece of wood attached to a thong that makes a roaring sound when the thong is whirled. | Preferred term | 95476 | - |
BULLSEYE WINDOW | An oval window placed with its long axis horizontal. The term is often applied to similar round windows. | Preferred term | 137491 | - |
BULWARK | Unspecified defensive structure like a mound of earth, a rampart, an embankment or a wall-like fortification. Also used as an early term for a bastion or blockhouse. Use more specific term where known. | Preferred term | 91305 | - |
BUNG | A large stopper, often of cork. | Preferred term | 96401 | - |
BUNGALOW | A one-storey house. | Preferred term | 71571 | - |
BUNKER | A structure, often built undergound, used for defence and co-ordination of military activity. | Preferred term | 91307 | - |
Buon Retiro | Narrow term | 91308 | - | |
BUOY | A floating, fixed marker used to indicate to a navigator a sea area to approach or avoid. | Preferred term | 88699 | - |
BUOY STORE | A building used to store navigational buoys. | Preferred term | 91309 | - |
Burgage House | Narrow term | 130153 | - | |
BURGAGE PLOT | A plot of land longer than it is wide, can include any structures on it. Typical of medieval towns. | Preferred term | 127993 | - |
BURGH | A civil and administrative area incorporating a town of medieval origin. | Preferred term | 143002 | - |
BURH | An Anglo-Saxon fortified town or other defended site, not necessarily urban. | Preferred term | 68679 | - |
BURIAL | An interment of human or animal remains. Use specific type where known. If component use with wider site type. Use FUNERARY SITE for optimum retrieval in searches. | Preferred term | 70018 | - |
BURIAL CAIRN | A stony mound containing or concealing deliberately deposited human remains. Use specific type where known. | Preferred term | 70044 | - |
Burial Chamber | Narrow term | 70624 | - | |
BURIAL CHEST | Chests connected with the burial of a body. | Preferred term | 95890 | - |
Burial Cloth | Narrow term | - | - | |
Burial Ground | Use specific type of cemetry where known. | Narrow term | 70625 | - |
Burial Mound | Use both terms. | Narrow term | 70557 | - |
BURIAL PIT | The pit in which human or animal remains are placed for interment,which may be either an inhumation or cremation. | Preferred term | 137492 | - |
BURIAL PIT | A place where dead bodies are buried together. Often unconsecrated ground. | Preferred term | 70038 | - |
Burial Pot | Narrow term | - | - | |
BURIAL URN | An urn containing a cremation burial. | Preferred term | 95886 | - |
BURIAL VAULT | A built structure, generally below ground, designed for the interment of several burials over a period of time. Usually constructed with a door or sealed entrance to allow reopening for further burials. | Preferred term | 70042 | - |
Burial Yard | Narrow term | 91310 | - | |
BURIED LAND SURFACE | A former ground surface buried beneath an earthwork or other sequence of deposits. (includes palaeosoils, turf lines) | Preferred term | 142968 | - |
BURIED SOIL HORIZON | A surface interpreted as a buried cultivation layer, for example an agriculturally cultivated field. | Preferred term | 140223 | - |
BURIN | A graving tool used for engraving objects. Prehistoric versions are usually made of flint or other stone, later versions usually of metal. | Preferred term | 95758 | - |
1711 - 1740 of 12,437 records.