Object types that the Scheme uses

These terms are from the FISH Archaeological Objects Thesaurus (Forum on Information Standards in Heritage - FISH).

Term Scope note Term type SENESCHAL URI Other URI
BOTTLE A container, typically cylindrical with a narrow neck, usually for containing liquids. Preferred term 96823 -
BOTTLE KILN A large, "bottle-shaped", oven of brick construction used in the baking or firing of pottery. Preferred term 70595 -
Bottle Oven Narrow term 91251 -
BOTTLE WORKS A site where the manufacture of glass bottles takes place. Preferred term 70596 -
BOTTLED GOODS Goods, usually foodstuffs, preserved in glass bottles, jars, etc. Examples are bottled fruit, pickled onions, jam, honey. Preferred term 141876 -
BOTTLES Narrow necked containers, originally of leather but now usually made of glass or plastic. Used for storing liquids. Preferred term 78918 -
BOTTLING PLANT A plant for bottling manufactured goods, as opposed to a BOTTLE WORKS where bottles were made. Preferred term 74791 -
BOUDOIR A small, finely-furnished room, traditionally where a lady could retire to be alone or entertain intimate friends. Preferred term 137470 -
Boulevard Narrow term 91252 -
Boulting House Narrow term 91253 -
BOUNDARY The limit to an area as defined on a map or by a marker of some form, eg. BOUNDARY WALL. Use specific type where known. Preferred term 70323 -
BOUNDARY BANK An earthen bank that indicates the limit of an area or a piece of land. Preferred term 70324 -
BOUNDARY CAIRN A cairn used to indicate the limit of an area or a piece of land. Preferred term 70325 -
BOUNDARY CROSS A sculpted cross, or a cross incised into stone or trees, to mark a parish boundary. Preferred term 69988 -
BOUNDARY DITCH A ditch that indicates the limit of an area or a piece of land. Preferred term 70326 -
Boundary Feature Narrow term 70597 -
BOUNDARY FENCE A fence that indicates the limit of an area or a piece of land. Preferred term 70601 -
BOUNDARY MARKER An indicator of the extent of an area of land. Preferred term 100121 -
BOUNDARY MARKER A marker of some form used to indicate the limit of an area or a piece of land. Preferred term 70327 -
BOUNDARY MOUND An earthwork used as a boundary marker. Preferred term 70328 -
BOUNDARY PLATE A plate, usually of wood or metal, used to indicate the limit of an area or piece of land. Preferred term 70329 -
BOUNDARY POST A stone or metal post that indicates the limit of an area or piece of land. Preferred term 70330 -
BOUNDARY STONE A stone that indicates the limit of an area or piece of land. Preferred term 70331 -
BOUNDARY WALL Any wall enclosing a building or complex of buildings, eg. prisons, dockyards, factories, etc. Preferred term 70332 -
BOUSE TEAM Term for ore store/ore hopper, used particularly in Yorkshire and Derbyshire. Preferred term 69251 -
Boutique Narrow term 91254 -
Bovile Narrow term 91255 -
BOW (MUSIC) A strung object used to produce sound usually from a string instrument eg a violin bow. Preferred term 95527 -
BOW (WEAPON) A weapon for shooting arrows. Preferred term 97100 -
BOW BROOCH Any brooch with the pin sprung or hinged at one end and the catchplate at the other end of a curved or flat bow. Can be one or two piece construction. Preferred term 96662 -

1471 - 1500 of 12,437 records.

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