These terms are from the FISH Archaeological Objects Thesaurus (Forum on Information Standards in Heritage - FISH).
Term | Scope note | Term type | SENESCHAL URI | Other URI |
BURIN SPALL | A narrow flake which is the by-product of making a burin. | Preferred term | 97341 | - |
Burning House | Narrow term | 94185 | - | |
BURNISHER | A tool used to polish the surface of an artefact. | Preferred term | 96920 | - |
BURNT FLINT | Flint which has been burnt. It is not necessarily worked. | Preferred term | 97540 | - |
BURNT MOUND | A mound of fire-cracked stones, normally accompanied by a trough or pit which may have been lined with wood, stone or clay. Assumed to be locations where heated stones were used to boil water primarily for cooking purposes. | Preferred term | 68925 | - |
BURNT ORE | Ore that has been burnt. | Preferred term | 86264 | - |
BURR | A small hand operated rotary drill used by dentists. | Preferred term | 95260 | - |
BURSARY | A treasury, often the bursar's room in a college or university. | Preferred term | 137493 | - |
BUS DEPOT | A building, with adjacent open areas, in which buses are maintained, usually having an extensive area free from upright columns or stanchions to permit overnight storage, repair bays, stores and an office. | Preferred term | 70256 | - |
Bus Garage | Narrow term | 91311 | - | |
BUS SHELTER | A structure providing protection against the weather at bus stops. | Preferred term | 70257 | - |
BUS STATION | A building and open area from which buses, usually those working local or regional services, begin or end their journeys. | Preferred term | 71441 | - |
BUSHEL | A measuring container to measure dry goods. | Preferred term | 95326 | - |
BUSINESS CENTRE | A building providing business premises to companies or individuals, sometimes for short periods, in exchange for a membership fee. | Preferred term | 141431 | - |
BUSINESS PARK | An area speciallly developed to accommodate commercial buildings. | Preferred term | 139084 | - |
Business Room | Narrow term | 137494 | - | |
BUST | The sculpted head, shoulders and breast of a person. | Preferred term | 95760 | - |
BUST | A piece of sculpture usually representing the head, shoulders and breast of a person. | Preferred term | 91312 | - |
Bustum | Narrow term | 142072 | - | |
Butchers Market | Narrow term | 91313 | - | |
BUTCHERS SHOP | A shop where meat is sold. Often includes large cold stores for the refrigeration and storage of carcasses and a butchery where the carcass is cut up prior to sale. | Preferred term | 71610 | - |
BUTCHERY SITE | A site used for the butchery of animals. | Preferred term | 143179 | - |
Butching House | Narrow term | 91314 | - | |
BUTLER COMBAT HANGAR | A mutiple role hangar for aircraft and general storage, manufactured in the USA as a kit for on-site assembly during WWII and post-war. It comprises a steel box frame and a canvas covering. | Preferred term | 140439 | - |
Butment | Narrow term | 137495 | - | |
Butt Purlin | Narrow term | 137496 | - | |
BUTTER | Dairy produce obtained by churning cream and used in cookery as a source of fat. | Preferred term | 78927 | - |
BUTTER CHURN | A vessel used to produce butter from milk through agitation. | Preferred term | 96824 | - |
Butter Cross | Narrow term | 70627 | - | |
BUTTER FACTORY | A group of buildings containing machinery for the production in bulk of butter or related dairy products. | Preferred term | 87956 | - |
1741 - 1770 of 12,437 records.