These terms are from the FISH Archaeological Objects Thesaurus (Forum on Information Standards in Heritage - FISH).
Term | Scope note | Term type | SENESCHAL URI | Other URI |
BOMBER SATELLITE STATION WATCH OFFICE | A watch office designed for bomber satellite station comprising a long, temporary brick hut with a watch office, operations room and crew briefing room. | Preferred term | 140497 | - |
BOMBER STATION CONTROL TOWER (294/45) | A control tower designed for use on Very Heavy Bomber Station Airfields. Designed to Air Ministry drawing number 294/45 they were the first to be have a Visual Control Room | Preferred term | 160356 | - |
BOMBING DECOY | A system of lights, controlled fires or dummy constructions, used during WWII to provide a counterfeit target for enemy aircraft. | Preferred term | 93974 | - |
BOMBING DECOY SITE | A site comprising a system of lights, controlled fires or dummy constructions, used during WWII to provide a counterfeit target for enemy aircraft. Use more specific type where known. | Preferred term | 143459 | - |
BOMBING RANGE | An area of land, with associated buildings and targets, used for practicing the dropping of bombs and other aspects of air warfare. | Preferred term | 99670 | - |
Bombing Range Direction Arrow | Narrow term | 160414 | - | |
BOMBING RANGE MARKER | A range marker allowing bombers to locate the bombing range. | Preferred term | 100206 | - |
BOMBING RANGE OBSERVATION POST | Buildings and structures used to monitor the accuracy of bombs dropped on a bombing range | Preferred term | 143369 | - |
BOMBING RANGE TARGET | Any structure or object, used for the purpose of practice bombing. | Preferred term | 160403 | - |
BOMBING RANGE TOWER | An observation tower located on or near to a bombing range. | Preferred term | 160402 | - |
BOMBING TEACHER BUILDING | A building equipped with instruments and a flight simulator used to teach members of bomber crews how to correctly identify targets for bombing. | Preferred term | 160401 | - |
BOMBS | Containers filled with high explosive, which can be fired from artillery pieces, thrown, dropped by aircraft or placed by hand and detonated in various ways. | Preferred term | 78916 | - |
Bonded Store | Narrow term | 91232 | - | |
BONDED WAREHOUSE | A warehouse, usually under the charge of CUSTOM HOUSE officials, in which goods were stored before the duty had been paid. Often found in dockyards, harbours, etc. | Preferred term | 87656 | - |
BONE ASH | The powdery residue of burnt bones. | Preferred term | 84362 | - |
Bone Dust | Narrow term | 78917 | - | |
Bone House | Narrow term | 91233 | - | |
BONE MEAL | Ground and crushed bones used as a fertilizer. | Preferred term | 87165 | - |
BONE MILL | A mill for grinding or crushing bones, in the process of making bone china, for example. | Preferred term | 69082 | - |
BONE WORKING SITE | A site used for the production of items derived from animal bones. | Preferred term | 125633 | - |
BONES | The hard material, consisting mainly of calcium compounds, which makes up the skeleton of vertebrates. Used for ornaments or ground for use in the manufacture of bone china. | Preferred term | 82983 | - |
Bonhommes College | Narrow term | 70591 | - | |
BONHOMMES MONASTERY | A residence of the Bonhommes brethren, who followed the Augustinian rule. | Preferred term | 70155 | - |
BONNET | A form of hat, usually does not cover the forehead nor have a brim, and usually worn by women. | Preferred term | 96582 | - |
Bonshommes College | Narrow term | 91234 | - | |
Bonshommes Monastery | Narrow term | 91235 | - | |
BOOK | A bound collection of paper or other materials. | Preferred term | 95366 | - |
Book Clasp | Narrow term | - | - | |
Book Cover | Narrow term | - | - | |
BOOK FITTING | Mountings, often decorative, attached to a book. | Preferred term | 95368 | - |
1411 - 1440 of 12,437 records.