Object types that the Scheme uses

These terms are from the FISH Archaeological Objects Thesaurus (Forum on Information Standards in Heritage - FISH).

Term Scope note Term type SENESCHAL URI Other URI
Box Tile Narrow term - -
BOXING ARENA An area, often including a platform, used for boxing competitions. Preferred term 91262 -
BOXING CLUB A venue, with a boxing ring and associated facilities, which is used to train for and undertake amateur or professional boxing. Preferred term 143539 -
BOXWOOD The hard, close-grained wood of the Box or similar trees. Preferred term 83864 -
Boys Club Narrow term 87738 -
Boys Home Use appropriate term. Narrow term 91263 -
Boys Refuge Narrow term 91264 -
BRACE An inclined timber used to support and provide rigidity to roofs, partitions etc. Preferred term 137477 -
BRACELET Ornamental band or chain worn around the arm or wrist. Preferred term 96654 -
Bracer Narrow term - -
BRACKET A metal, stone or wooden projection with a flat upper surface to support a shelf, arch, statue etc. Preferred term 96244 -
BRACKET A small support designed to help support a weight, such as that of a projecting member. Preferred term 137478 -
BRACKET MOULDING A decorative moulding cosisting of two ogee-forms with joined faces. Preferred term 137479 -
BRACTEATE An ornament made of thin plates of gold or silver, with repousse ornament. Preferred term 96663 -
BRAD A flat nail of the same thickness that tapers in width to a point. Preferred term 100186 -
BRADAWL A small tool which pierces material. It has a flat cutting edge. Preferred term 96987 -
BRAID A woven fabric used to trim clothes. Preferred term 97636 -
BRAIL A belt used to confine a hawk's wings. Preferred term 97336 -
BRAKE HOUSE A building housing the brakes for an incline railway or tramway. Preferred term 141990 -
BRAKE WHEEL The main gear wheel, which is engaged by a brake to halt or slow the machinery, mounted on the windshaft of a windmill. Preferred term 139561 -
BRANDING IRON A heated iron used to label, burn or mark animals, slaves, criminals etc. Preferred term 95712 -
BRANDY Alcoholic drink distilled from wine or fermented fruit juice. Preferred term 78919 -
Brandy Hole Narrow term 143004 -
Brasiatorio Narrow term 91265 -
BRASS An ornamental tablet of brass. Use a materials thesaurus where brass is a material. Preferred term 97596 -
BRASS Originally a metallic alloy of copper and tin or zinc, now used solely for an alloy of copper and zinc. Preferred term 78920 -
BRASS FOUNDRY A workshop or factory where brass articles are made by casting molten material into a mould. Preferred term 69230 -
Brass Mill Narrow term 91266 -
Brass Plaque Narrow term 99594 -
BRASS WORKS A brass manufacturing complex incorporating battery mill furnaces, hammers, etc. Preferred term 69212 -

1531 - 1560 of 12,437 records.

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