Object types that the Scheme uses

These terms are from the FISH Archaeological Objects Thesaurus (Forum on Information Standards in Heritage - FISH).

Term Scope note Term type SENESCHAL URI Other URI
BRONZE FOUNDRY A workshop or factory where bronze articles are made by casting molten metal into moulds. Preferred term 69231 -
Bronze Guns Double-key with object material. Narrow term 78923 -
Bronze Plaque Narrow term 99593 -
BRONZE WORKING SITE Use only where evidence is specific, ie. copper/tin alloy. For working of copper based alloys of unknown composition use COPPER WORKING SITE. Preferred term 69213 -
BROOCH Ornament often with a hinged pin and catch, worn fastened to clothing. Preferred term 96665 -
BROOCH PIN A specific type of early medieval pin. Do not use in instances where a pin has become detached from the brooch. Preferred term 96666 -
Brooch Spring Narrow term - -
Broom Narrow term - -
BROTHEL An establishment in which prostitution is practiced. Preferred term 159128 -
Brotherhood House Narrow term 71720 -
BRUNTON CALCINER A calciner used in arsenic production from the 1820s to the 1950s featuring a distinctive, slowly rotating hearth. Preferred term 143394 -
BRUSH A hand held device with bristles or hairs used for cleaning or painting. Preferred term 96400 -
BRUSH FACTORY A factory where brushes are manufactured. Use for all types of brush. Preferred term 69050 -
Brush Holder The stem or handle of a brush designed to hold the head of the brush. Narrow term - -
BRUSHMAKERS WORKSHOP A workshop where wooden brushes are manufactured on a small scale. Preferred term 91297 -
Brushwood Trackway Narrow term 70619 -
Buchanite Meeting House A place of worship and dwelling for members of the Buchanites, a sect that originated from Irvine, North Ayrshire, in the late 18th century. Narrow term 146358 -
Bucina Narrow term - -
BUCKET Container with arched handle used for carrying liquids, foodstuffs etc. Preferred term 96364 -
BUCKET DREDGER A self propelled vessel for deepening harbours using a continuous chain of buckets Preferred term - -
Bucket Handle Narrow term - -
Bucket Stave Narrow term - -
BUCKLE Clasp for fastening together two loose ends. Preferred term 96667 -
Buckle Frame Narrow term - -
Buckle Loop Narrow term - -
Buckle Pin Narrow term - -
Buckle Plate Narrow term - -
Buckle Tongue Narrow term - -
BUCKLER A type of shield, usually wooden and circular. Preferred term 95170 -
Buckstall Narrow term 70620 -

1651 - 1680 of 12,437 records.

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