Object types that the Scheme uses

These terms are from the FISH Archaeological Objects Thesaurus (Forum on Information Standards in Heritage - FISH).

Term Scope note Term type SENESCHAL URI Other URI
BUTTER MARKET An indoor or outdoor market where butter was sold. Preferred term 91315 -
BUTTER WALK An arcade providing shelter for perishable market goods which also provides protection from the elements for the occupants of the adjoining properties. Preferred term 146331 -
BUTTER WELL A small stone structure, usually at a spring or bog, in which dairy products were kept cool on slate shelves. Preferred term 83577 -
BUTTERFLY GARDEN A garden in which a variety of plants are grown to encourage butterflies. Preferred term 78875 -
BUTTERFLY PLAN A nineteenth century plan where two or four wings of a house are constructed at an angle to the core, usually at approximately 45 degrees to the wall of the core building. Preferred term 137497 -
BUTTERIS A farrier's tool for paring a horse's hoof. Preferred term 97003 -
BUTTERY A room for the storage of food and drink. Preferred term 137498 -
BUTTERY A room used primarily for storing food and drink. Preferred term 71724 -
Buttery Well Use both terms Narrow term 141992 -
BUTTON A stud used for fastening an item usually used for clothing. Preferred term 96674 -
BUTTON AND LOOP FASTENER A fastener made of a metal circle connected to a metal loop fixed to an object and used to fasten to another object by means of a button or a loop. The usage of these items is unclear, could include use for animals or for dress. Preferred term 96675 -
BUTTON COVER A piece of material, eg metal, cloth, leather etc, added to a button to enhance or embellish it. Preferred term 96632 -
BUTTON MILL A factory where buttons are manufactured. Preferred term 69306 -
BUTTRESS A mass of stone or brick built against or as part of a wall to provide additional strength to it. Preferred term 137499 -
BUTTRESS DAM A dam with a watertight upstream side, which may be flat or curved, supported by a series of buttresses on the downstream side. Preferred term 162726 -
BUTTS A mound or structure on which an archery, musketry or artillery target is erected. Use specific type where known. Preferred term 68830 -
BUZZER An instrument which creates a buzzing noise. Preferred term 95411 -
BY PRODUCT A secondary or incidental product of a process. Preferred term 97290 -
BYPRODUCT RECOVERY OVEN An oven used in the coal industry for the recovery of gas, tar and other by-products of the coking process. Late 19th century-20th century. Preferred term 145014 -
Byre Narrow term 68552 -
Byre House Narrow term 91316 -
C Class Destroyer Narrow term - -
C Class Submarine Narrow term - -
CABARET A club often with a dance floor or small stage and featuring entertainment generally of an improvisational, satirical, or topical nature which can be watched by the clientele whilst they drink and dine. Preferred term 159213 -
Cabbies Shelter Narrow term 91317 -
Cabin Narrow term 91318 -
CABIN CRAFT A small vessel with a cabin as an integral part of its construction. Preferred term - -
CABINET A piece of furniture containing shelves, cupboards or drawers for storage or display. Preferred term 96530 -
CABINET A small room used as a study for the preservation of papers etc. Generally use for any small room appended to a larger one. Preferred term 137500 -
CABINET A small garden enclosure within a BOSQUET or surrounded by clipped hedges. Preferred term 91319 -

1771 - 1800 of 12,437 records.

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