These terms are from the FISH Archaeological Objects Thesaurus (Forum on Information Standards in Heritage - FISH).
Term | Scope note | Term type | SENESCHAL URI | Other URI |
CAR PARK | A place where cars and other road vehicles may be parked and left. | Preferred term | 91355 | - |
Car Port | Narrow term | 91356 | - | |
CAR RAMP | An inclined concrete ramp on which cars can move from one level to another. | Preferred term | 91357 | - |
Car Showroom | Narrow term | 91358 | - | |
Car Testing Track | Narrow term | 140438 | - | |
CAR WASH | A facility where the exterior of a motor vehicle can be cleaned. | Preferred term | 167326 | - |
CARAVAN FACTORY | A factory manufactoring caravans. | Preferred term | 164383 | - |
CARAVAN PARK | A camping place set aside for the use of caravans. | Preferred term | 143165 | - |
CARAVEL | Small two or three masted ship used as trading vessels in the medieval mediterranean. | Preferred term | - | - |
CARBONISING SHED | Component part of a mungo and shoddy mill, where non-wool fibres from shredded material are destroyed by either soaking rags in an acid solution or rotating them in drums in a hot acidic gas followed by heat. The result is an all-wool product. | Preferred term | 138698 | - |
Carbonizing Shed | Narrow term | 140070 | - | |
CARBOY | A large bottle, generally protected by a basket or box, usually used for containing corrosive liquids, etc. | Preferred term | 96828 | - |
CARDBOARD BOX FACTORY | A factory where packaging products, such as cardboard boxes, are produced. | Preferred term | 136632 | - |
CARDER | A flat board with short spikes used to comb out the staple of wool to remove tangles before spinning. Usually used in pairs. | Preferred term | 96921 | - |
CARDING COMB | A comb used to comb fibre before spinning. | Preferred term | 96989 | - |
CARDING MILL | A small workshop, employing up to 10 men, working on hand-operated carding engines and hand jennies, spinning yarn for handloom weavers. | Preferred term | 69318 | - |
CARE CENTRE | A centre providing emotional and practical support to those living with life-threatening illnesses. | Preferred term | 169997 | - |
CARE HOME | A short or long term residential home for people not requiring medical intervention or nursing care, usually for older people. | Preferred term | 143432 | - |
Caretakers House | Use with wider site type where known. | Narrow term | 71651 | - |
CARGO | Use for the remains of a cargo which have been accidentally lost at sea, or purposefully dumped, and which consist the only physical evidence of a vessel. | Preferred term | 140305 | - |
CARGO | This is the top term for the thesaurus. | Preferred term | 78933 | - |
CARGO VESSEL | A craft used for the transportation of cargoes. Use specific type where known. | Preferred term | - | - |
CARMELITE FRIARY | A house of friars, originally hermits from Mount Carmel. Also known as ' white friars'. | Preferred term | 70142 | - |
CARMELITE NUNNERY | A site inhabited by a modern order of nuns, founded in 1900 at Lanherne, Cornwall, following Carmelite traditions. | Preferred term | 91359 | - |
Carnary | Narrow term | 91360 | - | |
CARNYX | A war trumpet, usually Iron Age. | Preferred term | 97344 | - |
CARPENTERS WORKSHOP | A place where products are manufactured from wood. | Preferred term | 69421 | - |
CARPET | Thick material, usually woven, used as a covering for the floor. | Preferred term | 96531 | - |
CARPET | Wool, textile, or synthetic floor covering material. | Preferred term | 152328 | - |
CARPET BED | A bed of low-growing foliage plants, all of an even height, arranged in patterns that resemble a carpet both in the intricacy of their design and in the uniformity of surface. | Preferred term | 91361 | - |
1981 - 2010 of 12,437 records.