Object types that the Scheme uses

These terms are from the FISH Archaeological Objects Thesaurus (Forum on Information Standards in Heritage - FISH).

Term Scope note Term type SENESCHAL URI Other URI
CARPET FACTORY A factory where carpets are manufactured. Preferred term 91362 -
CARPET MANUFACTURING SITE Includes any textile floor covering. Preferred term 91363 -
CARPET MILL A factory where carpets are manufactured. Preferred term 71577 -
CARPET WEAVERS WORKSHOP A building where carpets and other floor furnishings were woven. Preferred term 91364 -
Carpet Works Narrow term 91365 -
Carport Narrow term 91366 -
CARRACK A three masted vessel with a square rig on the fore and main masts and lateen rig on the mizzen mast. Preferred term - -
CARREL (AISLE) An aisle divided into chapels. This term is sometimes applied to the screens dividing the aisle, or the chapels themselves. Preferred term 138941 -
CARREL (NICHE) An enclosure or niche in a library or cloister used for study. Preferred term 137516 -
CARRIAGE A wheeled passenger vehicle, especially one with four wheels and pulled by horses. Preferred term 95451 -
CARRIAGE ENTRANCE An entrance large enough for carriages and vehicles leading through a building or wall into an inner courtyard. Preferred term 163032 -
CARRIAGE HOUSE An outbuilding used for the storage and maintenance of horse-drawn carriages. Preferred term 70259 -
Carriage Post Narrow term 91367 -
CARRIAGE RAMP A ramp or incline between differing levels constructed to allow carriages access. Preferred term 91368 -
Carriage Shed Narrow term 91369 -
Carriage Shelter Narrow term 70651 -
CARRIAGE SPLASH Purpose built area, incorporating water supply, for the cleaning of carriages, carts, etc. Preferred term 91370 -
CARRIAGE WORKS A building or works in which carriages were built. Use RAILWAY CARRIAGE WORKS for sites making railway carriages. Preferred term 78259 -
CARRIAGEWAY The part of a road intended for vehicular traffic. Preferred term 91371 -
CARRIERS PREMISES A site used by a carrier to accommodate his horses and vehicles and store goods awaiting transportation, etc. Preferred term 94006 -
Carrying Chair Narrow term - -
CART A vehicle with two wheels for carrying loads. Preferred term 95448 -
Cart Bay Narrow term 133656 -
CART BURIAL A high status Iron Age grave in which a two or four wheeled vehicle accompanies a frequently richly furnished inhumation burial. A barrow may overlie the grave. Preferred term 70026 -
CART FITTING A mounting or fixture attached to a cart. Preferred term 95447 -
Cart House Narrow term 91372 -
CART LOADING BAY A structure, into which a cart can be drawn, to enable it to be loaded from above. Preferred term 133655 -
Cart Lodge Narrow term 91373 -
CART SHED A building used for housing, and protecting from the weather, carts, waggons and farm implements, often open-fronted. Preferred term 70260 -
CARTERS YARD Trading premises of a carter. Preferred term 91374 -

2011 - 2040 of 12,437 records.

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