These terms are from the FISH Archaeological Objects Thesaurus (Forum on Information Standards in Heritage - FISH).
Term | Scope note | Term type | SENESCHAL URI | Other URI |
DIRECTION ARROW | A concrete marker placed to indicate the direction of a target on a bombing range to aircraft. | Preferred term | 142994 | - |
DIRECTION STONE | A stone, situated alongside a road, providing directions to travellers. | Preferred term | 70228 | - |
DIRK | A form of dagger. | Preferred term | 97359 | - |
DISABLED PEOPLES HOME | A residential home for adults with learning difficulties and/or physical disabilities. | Preferred term | 147270 | - |
Disabled Veterans Hospital | Narrow term | 159328 | - | |
DISC | A circular or subcircular object of unknown function. Use more specific term where known. | Invalid term | 137058 | - |
DISC BARROW | A round barrow featuring a small mound separated from a ditch of much greater diameter by a wide berm. The ditch may be accompanied by an external (or occasionally internal) bank. | Preferred term | 70015 | - |
DISCHARGE BLOCK | A hospital block from where patients are discharged after an operation or other treatment. | Preferred term | 91720 | - |
Discharging Arch | Narrow term | 137684 | - | |
DISCOIDAL KNIFE | A discoidal flint tool often has a ground edge. | Preferred term | 97517 | - |
Discoidal Scraper | Narrow term | - | - | |
DISCOTHEQUE | A club or cafe where popular music is played for dancing. | Preferred term | 71715 | - |
DISCUS | A heavy disc, usually thrown. | Preferred term | 95627 | - |
DISH | A container used for holding or serving food, especially an open shallow container. | Preferred term | 96770 | - |
Dish House | Narrow term | 91721 | - | |
DISINFECTING STATION | A building, usually part of a hospital complex, in which contaminated clothes, bedding and utensils are disinfected. | Preferred term | 71745 | - |
DISINFECTOR HOUSE | A building where patients or inmates of a hospital or workhouse were disinfected and their clothes washed or burnt to prevent the spread of infectious diseases or other ailments. | Preferred term | 91722 | - |
DISK ENGINE | A hydraulic engine patented in 1830 comprising a large specially shaped cast-iron outer casing enclosing a close-fitting but separate solid globe. | Preferred term | 137685 | - |
DISPATCHES | Written communiques, often of a military or governmental nature, requiring fast delivery. | Preferred term | 85728 | - |
Dispence | Narrow term | 91723 | - | |
DISPENSARY | A building or room for the distribution of medicines, eg. in a hospital or clinic. | Preferred term | 71527 | - |
DISPERSAL | An area of hardstanding for parking aircraft, in a state of readiness, usually around the perimeter of an airfield. | Preferred term | 91724 | - |
DISPERSAL PEN | An area of hardstanding, surrounded on three sides by a protective wall or bank, used for parking aircraft, in a state of readiness, usually around the perimeter of an airfield. | Preferred term | 160509 | - |
DISPERSAL PRISON | An institution for the detention of prisoners considered to be a major threat to public safety and/or to the security of the nation. | Preferred term | 103853 | - |
DISPERSED CLUSTER PLAN | A dispersed farmstead where the farm buildings and farmhouse are loosely grouped together within the boundary of the farmstead. | Preferred term | 162630 | - |
DISPERSED DRIFTWAY PLAN | A dispersed farmstead where buildings and yards (regular or loose courtyard in their form) are sited alongside a routeway. | Preferred term | 162631 | - |
DISPERSED MULTI YARD PLAN | A dispersed farmstead where buildings are arranged around scattered yards which can be loose or regular in their form. | Preferred term | 162632 | - |
DISPERSED PLAN | A farmstead where the buildings and yards are loosely arranged, with no focal yard. Use more specific type where known. | Preferred term | 162629 | - |
DISPERSED SITE | Accommodation and facilities for aircrew away from the main RAF airfield. | Preferred term | 143477 | - |
DISPLACED PERSONS CAMP | A camp where people who fled from danger or problem whithin their country or across international borders and who are in need of international protection are temporarily placed. | Preferred term | 140156 | - |
3631 - 3660 of 12,437 records.