Object types that the Scheme uses

These terms are from the FISH Archaeological Objects Thesaurus (Forum on Information Standards in Heritage - FISH).

Term Scope note Term type SENESCHAL URI Other URI
CULM Coal dust or slack, especially that of anthracite. Preferred term 82994 -
CULTIVATION MARKS Manmade marks or earthworks which provide evidence for agricultural cultivation. Preferred term 68618 -
CULTIVATION OBJECT Equipment used in the preparation and maintenance of ground, and in the planting and maintenance of crops. Preferred term 97680 -
CULTIVATION TERRACE An area of land, usually on a slope, which has been built up to provide a flat surface for the cultivation of crops. Preferred term 68620 -
Culverhouse Narrow term 70776 -
CULVERT A drainage structure that extends across and beneath roadways, canals or embankments. Preferred term 70439 -
CUP A small open container, usually with one handle, used for drinking. Preferred term 96767 -
CUP AND RING MARKED STONE A stone, either in situ or part of a monument, bearing one or more small, roughly hemispherical depressions surrounded by a concentric arrangement of annular or pennanular grooves. More complex designs may also occur. Preferred term 69995 -
CUP MARKED STONE A stone, either in situ or part of a monument, bearing one or more small, roughly hemispherical depressions, generally created by chipping or pecking. Preferred term 69996 -
CUPBOARD A piece of furniture with one or more doors concealing storage space. Preferred term 96538 -
CUPBOARD A recess, often containing shelves and usually fitted with a door or doors, used for the storage of items. Preferred term 138856 -
CUPEL A small shallow cup used in assaying gold or silver. Preferred term 97356 -
CUPELLATION FURNACE A furnace used for the refining of precious metals. eg. the separation of silver from argentiferous lead. Preferred term 69185 -
CUPOLA A small dome on top of a larger dome, roof etc. Preferred term 137660 -
CUPOLA FURNACE A furnace used for melting metals for casting or for heating shot. Preferred term 94324 -
CUPPING VESSEL A vessel used in 'dry cupping' to form a vacuum over an area of skin. Preferred term 96853 -
Curfew Narrow term 97555 -
CURFEW BELL TOWER A tower containing a curfew bell. The bell was rung in the evening, as a signal that fires were to be extinguished. Preferred term 91686 -
Curfew Tower Narrow term 91687 -
CURING HOUSE A place where meat and fruit, etc, is preserved by salting and/or drying. Preferred term 68556 -
CURRANTS Dried seedless grapes used in cookery. Preferred term 83225 -
CURRENCY Objects primarily intended to be used as a medium of exchange, eg coins. Preferred term 97209 -
CURRENCY BAR An iron bar or ingot of distinctive form with a pinched end previously thought to have been used as a medium of exchange in the Iron Age but is now believed to be a roughout for a sword. Preferred term 95425 -
CURRIERS KNIFE A leather working tool. Preferred term 97000 -
CURRIERY Place where tanned leather is dressed and coloured. Preferred term 69397 -
CURRY COMB A handheld serrated device for grooming horses. Preferred term 95661 -
CURSE An object designed to bring bad luck, divine wrath, disease etc upon the bearer or target of the curse. Preferred term 95924 -
CURSE TABLET A tablet, often made of lead, on which curses are written. Sometimes the tablet is transfixed with a nail. Preferred term 97511 -
CURSING STICK A stick used to bring down curses. Preferred term 95925 -
CURSUS A long narrow rectangular earthwork enclosure of Neolithic date, usually defined by a bank and ditch and presumed to be of ceremonial function. Known examples range in length from less than 100m to c.10km. Preferred term 69997 -

3391 - 3420 of 12,437 records.

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