Object types that the Scheme uses

These terms are from the FISH Archaeological Objects Thesaurus (Forum on Information Standards in Heritage - FISH).

Term Scope note Term type SENESCHAL URI Other URI
DISPLAY CASE An enclosed structure, usually glass fronted, designed to contain, and facilitate the viewing of, objects or notices. May be built into the fabric of a room, affixed to an exterior or exterior wall or free standing. Preferred term 139603 -
Dissenters Cemetery Chapel Narrow term 91725 -
Dissenters Chapel Narrow term 91726 -
Dissenters Grammar School Narrow term 91727 -
Dissenters Meeting House Narrow term 70106 -
Dissenters Proprietary School Narrow term 91728 -
Dissenters School Narrow term 91729 -
DISTAFF A rod around which fibre is wound for spinning Preferred term 96925 -
DISTILLATION BLOCK A group of buildings, or part of a works, housing apparatus used in the process of distilling. Preferred term 91730 -
DISTILLATION PLANT A building where distillation, a chemical process used in the production of a range of different chemicals, took place. Preferred term 91731 -
DISTILLERY An establishment or works where the distilling of spirits is carried out. Preferred term 69125 -
DISTILLING BASE A container used with an alembic as part of the distilling process. Preferred term 97360 -
Distilling Mill Narrow term 91732 -
DISTILLING SITE Buildings, sites and structures associated with the process of distilling. Preferred term 91733 -
DISTRIBUTION CENTRE A short-term storage centre of goods or special parts to facilitate the rapid processing of orders and supply of goods to customers; unlike a warehouse, the emphasis is on the moving of goods rather than on a long-term storage. Preferred term 140437 -
District Library Narrow term 91734 -
DITCH A long and narrow hollow or trench dug in the ground, often used to carry water though it may be dry for much of the year. Preferred term 70351 -
DITCHED ENCLOSURE An area of land enclosed by one or several boundary ditches. Double index with a term to indicate the shape of the enclosure where known. Preferred term 70361 -
Diver Attraction Narrow term 168260 -
DIVER BATTERY Heavy anti aircraft battery used from June 1944-May 1945 to combat the V-bomb threat. They are distinct from normal HAA batteries, being laid out in a V-shape, and early on were mainly for mobile 3.7-inch guns. Preferred term 144613 -
DIVIDERS A form of compass, sometimes with a screw for setting to small intervals. Preferred term 95249 -
DIVINATION BOARD A board used in divination. Preferred term 95931 -
Divination Bone Narrow term - -
DIVINATION BOWL A bowl used for divination. Preferred term 95933 -
DIVINATION BOX A box used for divination. Preferred term 95934 -
DIVINATION DIE A die used in divination. Preferred term 97509 -
DIVINATION FIGURE A figurative representation used in divination. Preferred term 95936 -
DIVINATION STAFF A staff used in divination. Preferred term 95937 -
DIVINATION STONE A stone used for divination. Preferred term 95939 -
DIVINATION TABLET A tablet used for divination. Preferred term 95940 -

3661 - 3690 of 12,437 records.

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