Object types that the Scheme uses

These terms are from the FISH Archaeological Objects Thesaurus (Forum on Information Standards in Heritage - FISH).

Term Scope note Term type SENESCHAL URI Other URI
Cylinder Narrow term 160304 -
CYLINDER HOUSE A building in which purified charcoal was produced by distillation of wood in sealed cast-iron retorts heated in fire-boxes. Tarry by-products were sometimes recovered by condensation flues. Preferred term 144603 -
Cyma Narrow term - -
CYMA RECTA A decorative S-shaped moulding, usually placed at the top of a cornice, with a convex lower half and a concave upper half. Preferred term 137664 -
CYMA REVERSA A decorative S-shaped moulding, usually placed at the top of a cornice, with a concave lower half and a convex upper half. Preferred term 137665 -
CYMATIUM The top of a cornice in an entablature. Preferred term 137666 -
CYMBAL A thin piece of metal which when struck vibrates to produce a sound, can be used in pairs. Preferred term 95478 -
D Class Destroyer Narrow term - -
D SHAPED BARROW Not a round barrow ploughed out at one end, but a specific type, the flat edge being additionally defined by stone slabs. Preferred term 70005 -
D SHAPED ENCLOSURE An area of land, in the shape of a D, enclosed by a boundary ditch, bank, wall, palisade or similar barrier. Preferred term 70357 -
DABBIN Mud walled building found on the Solway Plain. Preferred term 152578 -
DADO (PEDESTAL) The area between the base and the cornice of a plinth. Preferred term 139016 -
DADO (WALL) The lower area of a interior wall between the skirting board and the dado rail Preferred term 139017 -
DADO RAIL A wall-mounted moulding defining the upper edge of the dado, intended to protect the wall's surface from damage caused by chairs being pushed against it. Preferred term 138859 -
DAGGER A short stabbing weapon with a pointed blade. In Medieval period daggers served a dual function being also used as knives. Preferred term 95138 -
Dagger Hilt Narrow term - -
Dahlia Garden Narrow term 91693 -
DAIRY A building or group of buildings used for the making, processing, storing and selling of milk and other dairy products. Preferred term 68557 -
DAIRY PRODUCE Products, such as cheese and butter, manufactured from milk. Preferred term 78981 -
DAIS A raised platform at the end of a hall on which the high table sat, though sometimes used to describe the table itself. Preferred term 137667 -
DAIS BEAM A decorated beam, above the dais or high table, attached to the partition at the upper end of a hall. Preferred term 137668 -
DAIS CANOPY A framed canopy suspended above the dais or high table at the upper end of a hall. Preferred term 137669 -
DAM A barrier of concrete or earth, etc, built across a river to create a reservoir of water for domestic and/or industrial usage. Preferred term 70440 -
DAME SCHOOL A kind of primary school kept by elderly women. Preferred term 91694 -
DAN LAYER A vessel used for the laying and removal of buoys and other navigational markers. Preferred term - -
DANCE COSTUME Clothing worn specifically for formalised dancing. Preferred term 95600 -
DANCE FLOOR An open floor surface for dancing. Preferred term 141661 -
DANCE HALL A public building where regular dances were held. Preferred term 91695 -
DANCE ORNAMENT Ornamentation worn specifically for formalised dancing. Preferred term 96684 -
DANCE STUDIO A building or room used for the practice and study of dance. Preferred term 91696 -

3451 - 3480 of 12,437 records.

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