Object types that the Scheme uses

These terms are from the FISH Archaeological Objects Thesaurus (Forum on Information Standards in Heritage - FISH).

Term Scope note Term type SENESCHAL URI Other URI
CRUCK BARN A barn in which a pair of curved timbers form a bowed A-frame which supports the roof independently of the walls. Preferred term 91679 -
CRUCK HOUSE A house in which a pair of curved timbers form a bowed A-frame which supports the roof independently of the walls. Preferred term 91680 -
CRUCK SPUR A short timber connecting a cruck's timber, or blade, to a wall plate. Preferred term 137655 -
CRUCK STUD A stud on the outside of a cruck blade and attached to it. Preferred term 137656 -
CRUDE OIL Unrefined oil used in the manufacture of petroleum. Preferred term 78978 -
CRUET (DOMESTIC) A small container for holding oil, vinegar, salt etc for use at the table. Preferred term 97503 -
CRUET (RELIGIOUS) A vessel to contain wine or water used in the Eucharist. Preferred term 95923 -
CRUISE BOAT Open decked vessel used for sight seeing or pleasure voyages. Preferred term - -
CRUISE SHIP A passenger vessel equipped with recreational facilities for long voyages for pleasure and sight seeing. Preferred term - -
CRUISER Large warship equipped with turret mounted guns. Intended for independent action for trade protection, reconaissance and fire support for amphibious operations. Preferred term - -
CRUSE A small earthenware container used for liquids. Preferred term 96852 -
CRUSHED STONE Stone which has been crushed for use in the construction industry. Preferred term 78980 -
CRUSHING CIRCLE A horse-powered apparatus, for the crushing of commodities such as ore or cider apples, consisting of a stone wheel running over a circular iron or stone bed. Preferred term 137657 -
CRUSHING CIRCLE Horse powered ore crusher, consisting of a stone wheel running over a circular iron or stone bed. Preferred term 69257 -
CRUSHING FLOOR An area used for crushing mineral ore or stone. Often includes mechanically powered ore crushers. Preferred term 69258 -
CRUSHING MILL A building containing mechanically powered ore crushers or rollers. Preferred term 69259 -
CRUSHING STONE A stone used to crush objects. Preferred term 96405 -
CRUTCH A staff to support a lame or legless person. Preferred term 95267 -
Crutched Friars House Narrow term 70774 -
CRYPT A vault, often located under a chancel or chancel aisle, containing an altar and usually used for burial. Preferred term 70079 -
CRYPT A wholly or partially underground chamber, often beneath a chancel, equipped for religious services and usually containing tombs. Preferred term 137658 -
CTESIPHON HUT A concrete arched military hut constructed by pouring concrete over hessian cloth that had been stretched over a temporary steel framework. Semi circular in section usually with end walls of brick. Designed by the Waller Housing Corp in 1943. Preferred term 159297 -
Cube Narrow term 160302 -
Cube Capital Narrow term 137659 -
CUBICLE BLOCK Block for the treatment of separate diseases. Preferred term 91681 -
Cucking Stool Narrow term 70813 -
CUFF The bottom part of a sleeve, can be ornamental. Preferred term 96635 -
CUFF LINK A small object designed to hold together the two ends of a cuff. Preferred term 96683 -
CUIRASS Armour designed to protect the torso, and consists of both back and breast plates. Preferred term 95180 -
CUL DE SAC A passage or road closed to traffic at one end. Preferred term 91682 -

3361 - 3390 of 12,437 records.

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