These terms are from the FISH Archaeological Objects Thesaurus (Forum on Information Standards in Heritage - FISH).
Term | Scope note | Term type | SENESCHAL URI | Other URI |
DIAMOND MULLION | A mullion of square section set diagonally. | Preferred term | 137680 | - |
DIAPER | A decorative, repeating geometric pattern, utilizing motifs such as lozenges, leaves etc., applied to a wall or panel, or incorporated into brickwork by laying different coloured bricks in a series of squares, diamonds. | Preferred term | 138862 | - |
DIARY | A written journal, often of a personal nature. | Preferred term | 95372 | - |
DIBBLE | A tool for creating holes in the ground in which to plant seeds or plants. | Preferred term | 97558 | - |
Dice | Narrow term | - | - | |
DICE SHAKER | A container in which dice are shaken and from which dice are thrown. | Preferred term | 97358 | - |
DIE | A multi sided object usually used to obtain a unique value in games of chance. | Preferred term | 97135 | - |
Die | Narrow term | 138858 | - | |
DIE STAMP | An engraved stamp used to impress an image onto another object. | Preferred term | 96924 | - |
DIESEL | An oil based derivative used as a fuel in diesel engines. | Preferred term | 78984 | - |
DIESEL ENGINE | Internal combustion engine powered by diesel fuel. | Preferred term | 159250 | - |
Diesel Engine | Narrow term | 91716 | - | |
DIGGING EQUIPMENT | Equipment for digging earth, etc. | Preferred term | 97252 | - |
DIGGING SCOOP | A tool with a scoop end for digging up roots etc. | Preferred term | 97001 | - |
DIGGING STICK | A stick for digging up roots etc. Sometimes a stone weight is attached. | Preferred term | 95772 | - |
Dike | Use DYKE (DEFENCE), FLOOD DEFENCES or WATER CHANNEL as appropriate. | Narrow term | 70794 | - |
DIMINISHED PRINCIPAL | A principal that has been reduced to the same thickness as a common rafter where the roof has clasped purlins. | Preferred term | 137681 | - |
DINGHY SHED (2900/43) | A modified Nissen hut, based on drawing number (2900/43), used for the repair packing and storage of inflatable liferafts. | Preferred term | 167083 | - |
DINGHY SHED (2901/43) | A temporary brick building, based on drawing number (2901/43), used for the repair, packing and storage of inflatable liferafts. | Preferred term | 167084 | - |
Dining Hall | Narrow term | 71786 | - | |
DINING ROOM | A room, furnished with tables and chairs, where meals and refreshments are served and consumed. | Preferred term | 137682 | - |
DIOCLETIAN WINDOW | A semi-circular opening or window divided, by two mullions, into three sections, the central section being wider than those either side of it. | Preferred term | 138863 | - |
DIORAMA | A building in which a view is projected onto a wall by means of a lens. | Preferred term | 91717 | - |
DIPPING HOUSE | A building in which raw pottery is finished by dipping it in glaze. | Preferred term | 91718 | - |
DIPPING POND | A small pond, usually circular and serving as a feature at the centre of a walled garden, used for the purpose of filling watering cans. | Preferred term | 159389 | - |
DIPPING WELL | A natural spring located within a, usually small, man-made structure, such as a niche or a box. The structure is so placed to accomodate use for a specific non-religious function, such as communal bathing. | Preferred term | 91719 | - |
DIPTYCH (RELIGIOUS) | A two panelled altar decoration that can be closed. | Preferred term | 95930 | - |
Diptych (Written) | Narrow term | - | - | |
DIRECT BOILING SALT WORKS | A coastal site producing salt by boiling of unconcentrated seawater in a PANHOUSE, normally using coal fuel. Foreshore BRINE TANKS may also be present | Preferred term | 143966 | - |
DIRECT ENTRY PLAN | A plan in which entry is directly into a room without being situated opposite a fireplace. | Preferred term | 137683 | - |
3601 - 3630 of 12,437 records.