Object types that the Scheme uses

These terms are from the FISH Archaeological Objects Thesaurus (Forum on Information Standards in Heritage - FISH).

Term Scope note Term type SENESCHAL URI Other URI
DANDY Ketch or yawl rigged vessel with a large mizzen sail used in the west country. Preferred term - -
Danish Camp Narrow term 70783 -
DANNERT WIRE Barbed wire in the form of a coil which could be extended concertina-like to form a barrier to impede the movement of hostile troops. Preferred term 160541 -
Darbar Narrow term 163018 -
DARBAR SAHIB The main hall of worship within a Sikh Temple. Preferred term 163017 -
DARLAND FIELD SYSTEM Medieval Fenland ditched field system where the land is divided into strips for agricultural production. The strips are separated by hand-dug wide shallow drainage ditches with the spoil thrown up to create a dryer ridge. Preferred term 140255 -
DART A small narrow pointed missile that is thrown or shot. Preferred term 95182 -
DASHWHEEL An early washing machine used in bleaching works for washing calico and other textiles. Preferred term 137670 -
DATE STONE A stone with the date on it, sometimes of an event, person etc. Preferred term 95730 -
DATE STONE A stone commemorating the date of a specific event. Preferred term 68766 -
Datum Post Narrow term 140091 -
Daubin Narrow term 159208 -
DAY CENTRE A non residential building providing recreational, social and other facilities, especially for the elderly and those with special needs. Preferred term 72460 -
DAY HOSPITAL A hospital where elderly people receive medical treatment, but not overnight accommodation. Preferred term 91697 -
DAY MARK An unlit, highly visible and distinctive feature on the coast that can be used by mariners for navigation during daylight only. Preferred term 91698 -
DAY ROOM A communal living room. Preferred term 137671 -
DAYROOM BLOCK A hospital block where patients come for day-care medical treatment. Preferred term 91699 -
Deaf And Dumb Institute A disused term for an establishment where deaf people receive education, training and social support. First set up in Edinburgh in 1760 as the Academy for the Deaf and Dumb. Narrow term 71670 -
DEAL Timber manufactured from fir or spruce trees. Preferred term 78983 -
DEALS Planks or boards manufactured from softwood timber. Preferred term 83275 -
Deambulatory Narrow term 137672 -
Dean Hole Not DENE HOLE. Narrow term 70784 -
Dean Hole Narrow term 140253 -
DEANERY The official residence of a dean. Preferred term 68934 -
Deans House Narrow term 91700 -
Deans Lodgings Narrow term 91701 -
DEATH BURIAL OR FUNERARY OBJECT An object related to deaths, burials or funerals. Preferred term 99629 -
DEATH MASK A cast of a person's face taken after death. Preferred term 95926 -
DEBATING ROOM A chamber where discussions of issues take place, often found at universities. Preferred term 137673 -
DEBITAGE Waste flakes and cores produced in the manufacture of stone implements. Preferred term 97322 -

3481 - 3510 of 12,437 records.

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