These terms are from the FISH Archaeological Objects Thesaurus (Forum on Information Standards in Heritage - FISH).
Term | Scope note | Term type | SENESCHAL URI | Other URI |
DANDY | Ketch or yawl rigged vessel with a large mizzen sail used in the west country. | Preferred term | - | - |
Danish Camp | Narrow term | 70783 | - | |
DANNERT WIRE | Barbed wire in the form of a coil which could be extended concertina-like to form a barrier to impede the movement of hostile troops. | Preferred term | 160541 | - |
Darbar | Narrow term | 163018 | - | |
DARBAR SAHIB | The main hall of worship within a Sikh Temple. | Preferred term | 163017 | - |
DARLAND FIELD SYSTEM | Medieval Fenland ditched field system where the land is divided into strips for agricultural production. The strips are separated by hand-dug wide shallow drainage ditches with the spoil thrown up to create a dryer ridge. | Preferred term | 140255 | - |
DART | A small narrow pointed missile that is thrown or shot. | Preferred term | 95182 | - |
DASHWHEEL | An early washing machine used in bleaching works for washing calico and other textiles. | Preferred term | 137670 | - |
DATE STONE | A stone with the date on it, sometimes of an event, person etc. | Preferred term | 95730 | - |
DATE STONE | A stone commemorating the date of a specific event. | Preferred term | 68766 | - |
Datum Post | Narrow term | 140091 | - | |
Daubin | Narrow term | 159208 | - | |
DAY CENTRE | A non residential building providing recreational, social and other facilities, especially for the elderly and those with special needs. | Preferred term | 72460 | - |
DAY HOSPITAL | A hospital where elderly people receive medical treatment, but not overnight accommodation. | Preferred term | 91697 | - |
DAY MARK | An unlit, highly visible and distinctive feature on the coast that can be used by mariners for navigation during daylight only. | Preferred term | 91698 | - |
DAY ROOM | A communal living room. | Preferred term | 137671 | - |
DAYROOM BLOCK | A hospital block where patients come for day-care medical treatment. | Preferred term | 91699 | - |
Deaf And Dumb Institute | A disused term for an establishment where deaf people receive education, training and social support. First set up in Edinburgh in 1760 as the Academy for the Deaf and Dumb. | Narrow term | 71670 | - |
DEAL | Timber manufactured from fir or spruce trees. | Preferred term | 78983 | - |
DEALS | Planks or boards manufactured from softwood timber. | Preferred term | 83275 | - |
Deambulatory | Narrow term | 137672 | - | |
Dean Hole | Not DENE HOLE. | Narrow term | 70784 | - |
Dean Hole | Narrow term | 140253 | - | |
DEANERY | The official residence of a dean. | Preferred term | 68934 | - |
Deans House | Narrow term | 91700 | - | |
Deans Lodgings | Narrow term | 91701 | - | |
DEATH BURIAL OR FUNERARY OBJECT | An object related to deaths, burials or funerals. | Preferred term | 99629 | - |
DEATH MASK | A cast of a person's face taken after death. | Preferred term | 95926 | - |
DEBATING ROOM | A chamber where discussions of issues take place, often found at universities. | Preferred term | 137673 | - |
DEBITAGE | Waste flakes and cores produced in the manufacture of stone implements. | Preferred term | 97322 | - |
3481 - 3510 of 12,437 records.