Object types that the Scheme uses

These terms are from the FISH Archaeological Objects Thesaurus (Forum on Information Standards in Heritage - FISH).

Term Scope note Term type SENESCHAL URI Other URI
DRESSING WASTE Residues from ore-processing operations; intact tips and deposits may preserve considerable evidence on the processes used. A high rpoportion have been destroyed by reprocessing. Preferred term 143711 -
DRIED FISH Fish which has been preserved by drying. Preferred term 78986 -
DRIED FRUIT Fruit which has been preserved by drying. Preferred term 78987 -
DRIFT A straight mine entrance, driven on a constant downwards slope. Preferred term 82746 -
DRIFT MINE A mine in which access is gained by a straight entrance driven on a constant downward slope. Use with product(s) extracted and MINE where known, eg. COAL MINE. Preferred term 69345 -
DRIFTER A fishing boat using nets which are free to move with the tides and currents. Preferred term - -
Driftway Narrow term 162854 -
DRILL A tool for boring holes. Preferred term 96926 -
DRILL BIT The cutting part of a drill. Often bits are interchangeable. Preferred term 96927 -
DRILL HALL A building or site used for the exercise and training of military personnel. Preferred term 68851 -
DRILL TOWER A multi-level structure designed to simulate tall buildings to allow firefighters to practice firefighting and rescue techniques Preferred term 144474 -
DRILLING EQUIPMENT Equipment used to bore a hole in a solid object through the use of a twisting, drilling action. Preferred term 97147 -
DRINK SERVING CONTAINER A container used to serve drinks and liquids. Preferred term 97224 -
DRINKING FOUNTAIN A fountain erected specifically to supply drinking water. Preferred term 69015 -
DRINKING HORN A drinking vessel, usually curved in shape, fashioned out of animal tusk or horn and sometimes with bands of decoration. Preferred term 96771 -
Drinking Horn Mount Narrow term - -
Drinking Trough Narrow term 70444 -
DRINKING VESSEL A container from which liquid is drunk. Preferred term 97225 -
Drip Mould Narrow term 138868 -
DRIPSTONE A moulding that projects from a wall above an exterior opening and is shaped to channel rainwater away from it. Preferred term 138867 -
DRIVE The primary mechanism within an engine or device that transmits motion, especially rotary motion, to wheels, cogs, turntables etc. Preferred term 139516 -
DRIVE A road/carriage way giving access from the main road to the house, stables. Preferred term 91795 -
Drive Mechanism Narrow term 139646 -
DROP ARCH A pointed, two centred, arch whose span is greater than its height. Preferred term 137716 -
Drop Forge Stamps Narrow term 91796 -
DROPPED TIEBEAM A transverse ceiling beam set below wall-plate level in order to increase head room within the roof space; it carries knee principals, or the struts or braces of an interrupted tiebeam truss. Preferred term 137717 -
DROVE ROAD A road or track specifically used by drovers or herders to drive their animals to market. Preferred term 70266 -
DROVERS HOUSE The residence of a drover. Preferred term 91797 -
DROVERS INN A wayside inn for livestock traders. Preferred term 91798 -
Droveway Narrow term 70811 -

3871 - 3900 of 12,437 records.

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