Object types that the Scheme uses

These terms are from the FISH Archaeological Objects Thesaurus (Forum on Information Standards in Heritage - FISH).

Term Scope note Term type SENESCHAL URI Other URI
DOUBLE SPIKED LOOP A type of staple used to hold two object together. Preferred term 96258 -
Double Suntrap Plan Narrow term 137707 -
DOUBLING MILL A textile factory where the process of doubling, the twisting together of two spun yarns, takes place. Preferred term 91781 -
Dovecot Narrow term 91782 -
DOVECOTE A shelter for doves or pigeons, often containing nesting boxes, either free-standing or built into other structures (barns, towers etc.). If a dedicated, free-standing structure, index with MONUMENT TYPE: DOVECOTE. Preferred term 139503 -
DOVECOTE A building, or part of a building, used to house doves and pigeons, usually placed at a height above the ground, with openings and provision inside for roosting and breeding. Preferred term 68558 -
DOVETAIL JOINT A joint in which the end is shaped like a dovetail. Preferred term 137708 -
Dowel Narrow term - -
DOWER HOUSE A small house, usually on the estate of a country house, forming part of a widow's dower and intended as her residence. Preferred term 71559 -
DOWNDRAUGHT KILN A type of pottery kiln in which air rises up inside the oven to be forced back down and out through the base of the oven. Preferred term 91783 -
Downpipe Narrow term 139628 -
DOWNWARD BRACE A brace running from a vertical to a lower horizontal timber. Preferred term 137709 -
DOWRY BOX A box to contain the dowry which is a gift or endowment given to or on behalf of the wife. Preferred term 95968 -
DRABBET FACTORY A factory producing drabbet, a type of linen cloth. Preferred term 91784 -
DRAGON BEAM A horizontal member cutting through the corner formed by two walls to act as a support to a hip rafter to support jetties on two adjacent sides of an upper floor. Preferred term 137710 -
DRAGON TIE A horizontal brace linking tiebeam and wall plate, or adjacent wall plates at the corner of a hipped roof. Preferred term 137711 -
Dragon'S Teeth Narrow term 160307 -
DRAIN An artificial channel for draining water or carrying it off. Preferred term 70441 -
DRAIN COVER A protective covering to a drain. Preferred term 96336 -
DRAIN PIPE A pipe designed to act as a drain or within a drain. Preferred term 96337 -
Drain Syphon Narrow term 91785 -
DRAINAGE DITCH A long, narrow ditch designed to carry water away from a waterlogged area. Preferred term 70442 -
DRAINAGE LEVEL A horizontal tunnel dug specifically for draining, for example, a mine. Preferred term 69099 -
DRAINAGE MILL Wind or water-powered mill for land drainage in fens or marshlands. Preferred term 69308 -
DRAINAGE SYSTEM A system of artificial or natural drains and ditches used to drain off surplus water. Preferred term 70443 -
Drainage Works Narrow term 91786 -
Drainpipe Tunnel Drainage tunnel used in mine drainage. Narrow term 91787 -
DRAMA SCHOOL A building where students study theatre and the dramatic arts. Preferred term 91788 -
Drapers Shop Narrow term 91789 -
Drapery Shop Narrow term 91790 -

3811 - 3840 of 12,437 records.

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