These terms are from the FISH Archaeological Objects Thesaurus (Forum on Information Standards in Heritage - FISH).
Term | Scope note | Term type | SENESCHAL URI | Other URI |
DUCKING POND | A pond used for the punishment, by ducking in water, of offenders. | Preferred term | 68726 | - |
DUCKING STOOL | A chair fixed to the end of a plank, in which scolds or dishonest people were tied and ducked in water as a punishment. | Preferred term | 68727 | - |
DUCKING STOOL | A chair fixed to the end of a plank which was pivoted to allow the incumbent of the chair to be ducked into water as a punishment. | Preferred term | 95722 | - |
Dulcimer | Narrow term | - | - | |
Dummy Landing Ground (Day) | Narrow term | 160381 | - | |
Dummy Landing Ground (Night) | Narrow term | 160287 | - | |
DUMMY PILLBOX | A construction designed to look like a pillbox in order to deceive or confuse the enemy. | Preferred term | 140505 | - |
DUMMY WARSHIP | A civil vessel disguised as a warship. | Preferred term | - | - |
Dummy Yard | Narrow term | 91806 | - | |
DUN | A building or settlement enclosure with a thick drystone wall, generally circular or oval in plan, usually sited in an elevated position. | Preferred term | 143001 | - |
Dung House | Narrow term | 93997 | - | |
DUNG PIT | A pit used for containing manure. | Preferred term | 91807 | - |
DUNGEON | A chamber for the incarceration of one or more prisoners. | Preferred term | 137718 | - |
DUNGEON | An underground cell, or group of cells, used for imprisonment. | Preferred term | 118973 | - |
Dungery | Narrow term | 91808 | - | |
DUPLEX PUMP | A type of direct-acting, twin cylinder steam driven water pump. | Preferred term | 137719 | - |
DUST EXTRACTION PLANT | A plant where freshly mined coal was washed down and any dust removed before loading for transport away from the colliery. | Preferred term | 91809 | - |
DUSTING HOUSE | A building within the gunpowder works complex. During the gunpowder production process, the mill cake was broken down, pressed and then corned. The remaining dust was removed from the corned powder by tumbling it in gauze-covered revolving cylinders. | Preferred term | 132734 | - |
Dutch Barn | Narrow term | 91810 | - | |
DUTCH GARDEN | A 17th century garden in the Dutch style: usually flat and compact, with an emphasis on small canals, hedges, topiary, lead statuary and flowering shrubs and bulbs. | Preferred term | 91811 | - |
Dutch Reformed Church | Narrow term | 91812 | - | |
DUTY BOUNDARY MARKER | A boundary marker for the payment of tax or duty. | Preferred term | 146403 | - |
DUTY PILOTS OFFICE (2072/26) | The first standardized design for a building for the duty pilot. It took the form of a small bungalow with a bay window on the front elevation. | Preferred term | 140539 | - |
DUTY POST | A boundary post for the payment of tax or duty. | Preferred term | 91813 | - |
DWARF TRANSEPT | A transept in which the two wings that extend beyond the walls of the nave are lower than the nave and the crossing of the church. | Preferred term | 137720 | - |
DWELLING | Places of residence. | Preferred term | 70815 | - |
DYE AND PIGMENT SITE | Buildings and sites used for the production of inorganic and organic dyes, pigments and paints. | Preferred term | 91814 | - |
DYE HOUSE | A building, usually one-storeyed, for dyeing cloth. | Preferred term | 71484 | - |
DYE WORKS | A site used for the production of dyes from natural ingredients. | Preferred term | 69148 | - |
Dyehouse | Narrow term | 87498 | - |
3931 - 3960 of 12,437 records.