Object types that the Scheme uses

These terms are from the FISH Archaeological Objects Thesaurus (Forum on Information Standards in Heritage - FISH).

Term Scope note Term type SENESCHAL URI Other URI
GUN EMPLACEMENT (TYPE 55491) A gun emplacement which conforms to Department of Fortification and Works drawing number 55491. Preferred term 160231 -
GUN EMPLACEMENT (TYPE 55503) A gun emplacment which conforms to Department of Fortification and Works drawing number 55503 Preferred term 160232 -
Gun Factory Narrow term 84617 -
Gun Foundry Narrow term 92174 -
GUN LAYING RADAR PLATFORM A platform, usually in concrete, on which radar equipment was mounted to assist the targetting of artillery guns. The platform is often the only evidence surviving in the landscape. Preferred term 160528 -
Gun Laying Radar Site Use both terms. Narrow term 94410 -
Gun Loop Narrow term 139767 -
GUN PORT A strategically placed aperture in the wall of a fortification through which guns and cannon can fire upon an invading force. Preferred term 139634 -
GUN ROOM A room for storing guns. Preferred term 137832 -
GUN STORE A building used for the storage of artillery pieces. Preferred term 162649 -
GUN TESTING SHOP A workshop for testing guns, incorporating louvred sheds to serve as firing ranges. Preferred term 92175 -
Gun Tower Narrow term 70530 -
GUN WHARF A large, level structure, usually of stone or timber, built alongside water to allow warships to moor for the loading and unloading of guns. Preferred term 70936 -
GUNBOAT A small warship built to operate close to the shore or in river estuaries. Used for shore bombardment and patrol duties. Preferred term - -
GUNCOTTON FACTORY A factory or works engaged in the manufacture of the explosive guncotton. They may be found as separate factories or form part of a cordite factory. Preferred term 99577 -
GUNCOTTON STOVE A building in which moist guncotton is dried by warm air for use in nitroglycerine manufacture. Preferred term 164171 -
GUNFLINT A shaped flint used in flintlocks to create the spark to fire the gun. Preferred term 95191 -
Gunflint Mine Narrow term 162876 -
Gunnery School Narrow term 119513 -
GUNNIES Coarse jute sacking Preferred term 84475 -
GUNPOST Term used by the RAF to describe an open walled structure built of concrete, brick or sandbags which enclosed one or more machine-guns mounted on pintels for light anti-aircraft and ground defence. Preferred term 92176 -
GUNPOWDER A powder made from charcoal, sulphur and potassium nitrate and used as an explosive in fireworks, flintlock guns etc. Preferred term 79031 -
GUNPOWDER DRYING HOUSE A processing house where surplus water is removed from gunpowder after incorporating. Preferred term 92177 -
Gunpowder Factory Narrow term 70937 -
Gunpowder Magazine Narrow term 162729 -
GUNPOWDER MANUFACTURING SITE Buildings, sites and structures associated with the production, testing and storage of gunpowder. Preferred term 99584 -
Gunpowder Mill Narrow term 69151 -
Gunpowder Mixing House Narrow term 140352 -
GUNPOWDER WORKS A site used for the manufacture of gunpowder. Preferred term 69152 -
GUNS Weapons including portable firearms and large artillery pieces. Preferred term 79032 -

5341 - 5370 of 12,437 records.

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