These terms are from the FISH Archaeological Objects Thesaurus (Forum on Information Standards in Heritage - FISH).
Term | Scope note | Term type | SENESCHAL URI | Other URI |
HAIR PIECE | A wig, toupee or section of extra hair designed to replace or enhance the wearer's real hair giving greater quantity, bulk or length. | Preferred term | 96698 | - |
HAIR PIN | A pin used to hold hair in place. | Preferred term | 96699 | - |
HAIR RING | A ring used to hold hair in place. | Preferred term | 96700 | - |
HAIR SLIDE | A comb or slide used to hold hair in place. | Preferred term | 96701 | - |
HAIRBRUSH | A brush used to disentangle hair. | Preferred term | 100087 | - |
HAIRDRESSERS SALON | An establishment where people get their hair dressed and cut. | Preferred term | 71729 | - |
Hairdressers Shop | Narrow term | 92183 | - | |
HALBERD | A combination of spear and axe on a long handle. | Preferred term | 95192 | - |
Halberd Pendant | Narrow term | - | - | |
HALF BAY | A short bay, usually in a hall, commonly as a smoke bay or for a cross-entry. | Preferred term | 137836 | - |
HALF BEAM | A beam which is half the width of a main beam, usually supporting joists. | Preferred term | 137837 | - |
Half Beam Engine | Narrow term | 137838 | - | |
HALF BRICK HUT | A type of temporary military hutting used throughout WWII constructed of brick in 'stretcher bond' 4.5 inches thick with a light steel truss roof usually covered with corrugated asbestos sheeting. Used for accommodation, as gyms, training huts etc. | Preferred term | 159308 | - |
HALF HIPPED ROOF | A roof whose ends are partly gabled and partly sloped. | Preferred term | 137839 | - |
Half Moon | Also known as "Demi Lune", another type of outwork associated with the bastion system. | Narrow term | 92184 | - |
HALF THROUGH BRIDGE | A bridge whose trusses or girders form parapets on either side of the deck. | Preferred term | 122516 | - |
HALF TIDE DOCK | A dock with gates which open for access for some hours before and after high water. | Preferred term | 92185 | - |
Half Wealden House | Narrow term | 92186 | - | |
Hall | If not domestic use specific type, eg. CHURCH HALL. | Narrow term | 70942 | - |
HALL (COMMUNAL) | The principal room in early houses, which occupies the entire height of the building. | Preferred term | 137840 | - |
Hall (Lobby) | Narrow term | 137841 | - | |
Hall And Cellar House | Narrow term | 92187 | - | |
HALL AND CROSS WING PLAN | A common plan form of large medieval and sub medieval houses, with a hall range flanked by two wings; also found with only one wing. | Preferred term | 137842 | - |
Hall And Parlour House | Narrow term | 83211 | - | |
HALL HOUSE | A house consisting of a public hall with private living accommodation attached. Built from the medieval period onwards. | Preferred term | 70943 | - |
Hall Of Memory | Use COMMEMORATIVE MONUMENT with the relevant hall type. | Narrow term | 92188 | - |
HALL OF RESIDENCE | A university or college building set apart for residence or instruction of students. They can be located either on or off campus. | Preferred term | 71540 | - |
Halt | Narrow term | 70944 | - | |
HALVED JOINT | A joint in which both timbers are reduced in thickness. | Preferred term | 137843 | - |
HALVED LAP JOINT | A joint in which one timber is reduced in thickness. | Preferred term | 137844 | - |
5401 - 5430 of 12,437 records.