Object types that the Scheme uses

These terms are from the FISH Archaeological Objects Thesaurus (Forum on Information Standards in Heritage - FISH).

Term Scope note Term type SENESCHAL URI Other URI
BOILER ROOM A room, usually at ground level or below, housing the tank in which water is heated as part of a building's heating system. Preferred term 140294 -
BOILER ROOM A room containing a boiler, used to provide heating. Preferred term 146407 -
BOILER SHOP Workshop for the construction and maintenance of boilers within an industrial complex. Preferred term 71591 -
BOILER WORKS Engineering works dedicated solely to the manufacture and repair of boilers. Preferred term 90519 -
Boilermaking Works Narrow term 87748 -
BOILING HOUSE A building, or part of a building for the boiling and preparation of animal feed, usually attached to pigsties. Preferred term 91228 -
Boiling House (Salt Works) Narrow term 140340 -
Boiling Mound Narrow term 70588 -
BOLAS A missile consisting of a number of weights joined together by cord. The bolas entangles the legs of a target causing it to fall. Preferred term 95767 -
BOLECTION MOULDING A moulding which projects beyond the face of a panel or frame, usually found in panelling or in doors. Preferred term 137467 -
BOLEHILL An early form of lead furnace, set upon a hilltop or crest to utilize winds in smelting. Preferred term 69181 -
BOLLARD A wooden, stone or iron post for securing things to or for preventing vehicular access to pedestrianized areas. Preferred term 70417 -
BOLSTER A long pillow, especially one used as an under pillow. Preferred term 96529 -
BOLSTER One of the rolls forming the sides of an ionic capital, joining the volutes of the front and rear faces. Preferred term 137468 -
BOLT (FASTENING) A metal pin, often with a screw thread and used in conjunction with a nut. Preferred term 96240 -
BOLT (LOCK) A sliding metal bar, often fixed to a door or similar, which moves through staples so that its end fixes into another staple or hole which is attached to a fixed object, eg a door frame. Preferred term 96241 -
BOLT WORKS A site where iron or steel bolts, and often their accompanying nuts, are manufactured. Sometimes referred to as NUT AND BOLT WORKS. Preferred term 94418 -
Bolter Narrow term 139641 -
Bolting House Narrow term 91229 -
Bomb Chamber Narrow term 164378 -
BOMB CRATER A depression in the ground caused by the explosion of a mine or bombshell. Preferred term 70322 -
Bomb Shelter Narrow term 91230 -
BOMB SITE A site which has been bombed but where there is no crater, eg. bombed buildings. Preferred term 130173 -
BOMB STORE A complex of buildings and earthworks constructed for the storage of bombs and pyrotechnics. Preferred term 94367 -
BOMB VESSEL A sailing warship armed with one or more heavy howitzers or mortars and used for bombarding shore positions. The modern equivalent is the MONITOR. Preferred term - -
BOMBARDON A floating breakwater in the form of a hollow cruciform tube 200 ft long by 25 ft high. Bombardons were designed to reduce the height of waves and formed the outer breakwater of the Mulberry harbours. Preferred term - -
Bombardon Narrow term 111473 -
BOMBASINE MILL A mill used for the manufacture of twilled dress material of worsted with or without a mixture of cotton or silk. Preferred term 91231 -
Bomber Aerodrome Narrow term 162968 -
BOMBER COMMAND STATION An airfield, and associated structures, used by one or more bomber squadrons. Preferred term 162967 -

1381 - 1410 of 12,437 records.

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