These terms are from the FISH Archaeological Objects Thesaurus (Forum on Information Standards in Heritage - FISH).
Term | Scope note | Term type | SENESCHAL URI | Other URI |
CROSSBOW BOLT | A pointed projectile fired from a crossbow designed to injure or kill a given target. | Preferred term | 95179 | - |
CROSSING | The intersection and space between the nave, chancel and transepts in a cruciform church. | Preferred term | 137646 | - |
CROSSING KEEPERS COTTAGE | A house for the keeper of a level crossing on a railway. | Preferred term | 71421 | - |
CROSSING TOWER | A tower which rises above the space at the intersection of the nave, chancel and transepts of a church. Usually pierced by windows to provide light directly to the area below. | Preferred term | 159189 | - |
CROSSROADS | A road junction where two (or occasionally more) roads cross each other. | Preferred term | 159175 | - |
CROTAL | An enclosed, round bell with a slit, sounded by a loose internal pellet. | Preferred term | 95549 | - |
Crouched Burial | Narrow term | 162852 | - | |
CROUCHED INHUMATION | A form of inhumation in which the skeleton is interred, usually on its side, with hip and knee joints bent through an angle of more than 90 degrees. | Preferred term | 70033 | - |
Crouds | Narrow term | 137647 | - | |
CROW | A multipurpose hut constructed from stone and turf, covering a square or polygonal plan. It has drystone walls and a slightly corbelled roof, usually topped with slabs. Can be either free-standing or embedded in a Cornish hedge. Particular to Cornwall. | Preferred term | 70485 | - |
CROWBAR | An iron bar used as a lever. | Preferred term | 97354 | - |
CROWN | An encircling ornament for the head, usually denoting sovereignty. | Preferred term | 95716 | - |
CROWN COURT | A court of criminal, and limited civil, jurisdiction in England and Wales. Established in 1972 to replace the Assize Court, following legislation in 1971. | Preferred term | 91675 | - |
CROWN PLATE | A plate in a crown post roof, supported on crown posts and bearing the collars. | Preferred term | 137648 | - |
CROWN POST | An upright timber standing on a tiebeam to support a collar or purlin. Once used as an alternative to king post, this term is now restricted to the shorter post ending at collar level. | Preferred term | 137649 | - |
CROWN STEEPLE | A steeple in which the spire resembles a crown. | Preferred term | 137650 | - |
CROWN STRUT | An upright timber similar to a crown post, but not supporting a plate. | Preferred term | 137651 | - |
CROWN TREE | The main vertical beam standing at the centre of a post mill carrying the bearing upon which the body of the mill rotates. | Preferred term | 139551 | - |
CROWN WHEEL | The gearwheel on the upright shaft within a windmill from which secondary drives operating other parts of the machinery are powered. are taken | Preferred term | 139519 | - |
CROWSTEPPED GABLE | A gable with sides shaped like a flight of steps. | Preferred term | 137652 | - |
CROZIER | The staff or crook of a bishop or abbot. | Preferred term | 95919 | - |
CRUCIBLE | A container in which substances are heated to high temperatures. | Preferred term | 96851 | - |
Crucible | Narrow term | 103873 | - | |
CRUCIBLE FACTORY | A building or buildings used for the manufacture of crucibles. | Preferred term | 140190 | - |
CRUCIBLE FURNACE | A furnace composed of two fire brick boxes: the fire was in the lower box and the upper box held the crucibles. Used in the manufacture of steel. | Preferred term | 69184 | - |
CRUCIBLE STEEL WORKS | Production of high quality steel by reheating cementation steel in a refractory crucible. | Preferred term | 91678 | - |
Cruciferi | Narrow term | 70773 | - | |
CRUCIFIX | A cross with the image of Christ upon it. | Preferred term | 95921 | - |
CRUCIFORM PLAN | A building plan in the shape of a cross. | Preferred term | 137653 | - |
CRUCK | A pair of timbers, or blades, usually curved, rising from a place at or near ground level to a point at or near the apex of a roof, forming an approximately triangular frame on which the subsidiary structure rests. | Preferred term | 137654 | - |
3331 - 3360 of 12,437 records.